Medalist Looks at Me."Don't Tell CareSin".

He says.

I nod. My throat feels dry. I start to Feel numb from to many emtions.

Worry,Fear,Shock all mixed in one body isn't a good thing.

I don't know what Qeustions to ask so I go back to My Room.

He's In Town?.

So Its only A Matter of Time and chane Till CareSin's Brother Catch Him,Right?.

Or is it only a of Matter time and chance till he gets Caresin.

I wipe that thought Out Of my head.

" Where'd you Go?". Caresin ask.

She's Up?.

I struggle to get words out of my mouth.

" Umm To get some Water".

I say.

Caresin smiles."Ok Now come back in Bed. I can't sleep without You".

I smile lighly.

I get back in Bed and Caresin Snuggles up back in My arms.

I hold her Tighly.

I feel Sick. How can Anyone wanna Hurt her?.

I try to calm My self down.

How doesn't Risen even Know where I Live?. Or if Caresin Is even dating Me!.

He wouldn't Know any of that.

So I'm Sure CareSin is Safe.

And I Think CareSin's Brother Will Find Him[Risen] before anything Bad Happens.

I don't.. You Know This is the Time Where I Pray!.


I Feel Someone on Top Of Me..

A Buring touch Comes Across My Chest.

Then a Pair Of Sweet and Hot Lips angaist Mine. My heart is Beating Hard and Fast in My chest Sparks are flying.

I Kiss Back.

I feel My body Buring up. And I'm starting To get Dizzy. Butterflies Grew in My stomach.

I open my eyes only To see Blurs!.

Then She puts on my Glasses.

" HeHe. Good Moring

Lyubovʹ moya!".

I Smile."Good moring to you and how bout you make me up like this everymoring?".

Caresin Blushes.

She Looks so Sexy. Her hair is all wazy. She's wearing Bootie shorts and My Shirt. Her eyes Look breathing Taking.

She's Naturaly Beatiful.

I smirks." imma go shower, wanna Come?". Caresin Mouth Hangs open.

I burst out Laughting.Why is so scared of Doing anything.

" Ok Ok Calm down I'll shower by My self". I say.

Caresin just looks at Me.

I get up and Shower and Freshing. I put a White Sweater dark jeans and white Kicks.

I go back to Room and Walk In cause it's My Room.

But Caresin doesn't Like that.

She starts throwing pillows at me.

Sincerly The CannibalsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon