Chapter 1

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My back ached.

My shoulders were stiff.

My legs were lost to the sensation of pins and needles.

Years ago I would have been foolish to think they had forgotten about me.

I would have tried to escape, the wires and cool metal surrounding me to the point where I couldn't tell the point where my flesh ended and the machine began.

Beeping filled my head and my ears.

The voices had left me for now but I knew they would be back, they always were.

My eyes were open, almost sightless as the light above me was a stark contrast to the back of my eyelids.

The room I was in was white.

Four wall covered in white paint.

No obvious door could be seen from the bed where I lay, on my little metal table in the middle of the room surrounded by beeping machines, with wires sticking into my arms showing liquids of every color imaginable being pumped in and out of my body.

I knew at least one was a sedative, the way my body felt like it was being held captive just beyond my controls reach.

Most of  the others mixed in various chemicals with my blood trying to control my movements.

My movements between dimensions.

I was young when it started, so young I can no longer exactly how old I was.

Or what my name was.

Only that I wanted the teleporting to stop.

Who knows how many dimensions I had teleported to, never moving just letting the voices guide me as I tried desperately to find my way back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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