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I got off the taxi and gave him his money, "thank you"I smiled at the old man. The old man nodded and drove away

I walked in Starbucks and yes there wasn't no one in there!

I went and bought a coffee, "what's your name?"the girl ask, "Vicky" I replied

She nodded
"Hey"I looked up to see Ava, "hey, I r-really gonna say something"I signed. "Well I g-gonna say something too"Ava liked nervous more then me!


"Uh ok you first"I said as she pushed her blonde hair out of her face. She took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Promise you w-won't get m-mad?"Ava ask, "ok your scarying me! Fuck are you having a baby?"I ask

Ava let out a small laugh "no"

"Ok then what?"

"I-I uh ok um-"

"Spit it out Ava!" I yelled making the workers look at me, "sorry about that"Ava called out

I rolled my eyes "Ikissedcalumandimreallysorry"

"What?"I ask. She talked so fast "I kissed Calum and I'm sorry"

I was shocked and mad, sad my blood boil as I looked at her with tears burning in her blue eyes. "You did what!"I spat

"I'm sorry Vicky"Ava said. "Just shut the fuck up Ava I knew you always liked him! Well guess what? I had sex with him last night and I was gonna say that to you but your a asshole bitch" yelled

I got up "you had sex with him?"

"Fuck off"

With that I knew my best friend was gone, tears crashing down my face. I didn't care if anyone sees me!


He's fucking up my life! I need to stop him he's kissing my best friend, he's having sex with me, even if it was one time

But I need to crush him! And Ava I knew what I had to do,

One word.

Jealousy, I'm gonna tell Luke and Luke liked Ava! We're gonna pretend to 'date'

But just to crush Calum and Ava

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