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Calum's pov
I watched them hug, god I hate it right now! I tried laying down with her but she woke up, ok yes I miss her and I'm jealous

"You ok buddy?"Luke ask "yea just tired and hung over"I signed

Luke gave me a look like 'your not ok' but I didn't care!

Why is my life so fucked up? I fucked up when I left her. I thought it's gonna be fun and we'll talk but she was so mad at me she blocked me

And I mean I'm turning 18 and she turning 17

After my birthday it's hers and l loved that when we was dating! We broke up almost 2 years ago. I miss her so much

"Dose anyone want some food?"vicky ask "yea sure I'll help"Ashley smiled and went in the small kitchen

For a tour bus it's pretty big! I mean a game room, kitchen, bathroom, beds, and lounge to just chill

"I'm cooking burgers" vicky yelled

"Yes!"Luke and Michael said making me roll my eyes.
Vicky pov
"ew how do you touch that stuff?"Ava whined "I don't know it's meat, stuff we eat Ava" I laughed as Ashley took out the meat

I cut the plastic off and took it out. "I'll get the heat on"Ashley said as I nodded

Me and Ashley mostly cook on tour because Andrea and Ava get grossed out, I don't know why? it's stuff we eat and live off, well not all people eat meat

I grabbed the salt and black pepper and put it on the raw meat, and I put garlic powder in it too

I'm a really good cook! I love cooking it's always been my thing besides playing the guitar and piano and singing

With the girls

I patted the meat and put them in the pan, "oh my god! It smells so good in here" Michael laughed

"Yeah I know right" Ashley smiled. I flip the meat and let it cook on the other side for 6-7 minutes

And when it was done I grabbed the burger buns and put the burger in it, I put mustard and ketchup, and added some lettuce and tomato. I then walked to Ava

"Try it hoe"

"Ok" she smiled and took a big bite out of it, her eyes went all crazy, "this is so good!"Ava said as she moan from the food

"Stop moaning!" Andrea laughed as Ashley came with more burgers

"I'm good, I'm gonna sleep" Calum said as he rudely walked away

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