we threw a party yeah we threw a party...

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(Alana POV)

Well the concert was....Amazing!!!!!

I never knew i could do something so great, and Luke asked me out! I honestly didn't expect him to do it in front of everyone, what if i said no that would have been awkward. We decided to throw a party to celebrate the success of my introduction to the band. The boys said they would invite a bunch of people, mostly bands i like which was exciting!


The party starts in a couple of hours, and everything was set up nicely. we were staying in a hotel at the moment, so its common area was where we set up for the party. Luke and the guys got a suite so we could all be together, but have multiple rooms. Muke shared a room, and then Lashton shared a room, leaving me to have my own room. The boys were doing their own thing, which meant they were probably making a mess. I on the other hand, was getting ready. I gathered my things and made my way over to the shower that was connected to my room, i didn't want to lock the door just in case something happened and my presence was needed. I turned on the shower, and waited till the water ran warm, slightly hot. I had some time to get ready so i took my shower time super seriously. Usually i had to take no longer then a  10 minute shower, but today i got to take my time and shave and stuff which was quite nice. I was washing my hair when i noticed a figure in the door way. This made me jump so high in the shower i almost hit the shower head.

"Shit" i muttered. "WTH!!! Luke is that you?!" I ask knowing the answer but still creeped out. That's when i realized i was still naked and he was staring at me. " Turn around!!" i yell and he obliges. "Shit sorry babe... damn." He says making me confused." What?! Also why are you here?" I ask. " Damn because you are so beautiful, and i was just checking up on you, but i see you are okay so i'll just you know go now?! or i could stay? I think i'll stay." I chuckle and tell him to get out which he does and i finished my shower and got dressed.

When i got out everyone was way too quiet, i walk to where they might be, and i'm surprised with the fact that they have all left me in the room alone.

I picked up my phone to call Luke. "Baby? Where are you?" I ask as he answers his phone. " We just went to run some errands, we'll be back soon, just finish getting ready and i'll tell you when to come down to the party." I nod okay, and we part ways.
I decided to wear this tight sparkling gold dress. The neckline plunged deep, and it draped all the way down to the floor. I did light makeup, well light for me, and I curled my hair. When I was finished I added a pic to my Instagram, and even some on my snapchat. I was super excited to celebrate with everyone.

Luke and the guys had given me the okay to come to the party. I quickly put these gold heels on, and grabbed my small purse. I started speed walking to the party, and as I made it to the big entry doors, I was excited but nervous. I swing open the doors and everyone starts clapping and cheering for me.

"Here's the woman of the hour!!" Ashton yells. I start smiling and make my way over to the guys who are all gawking at me. I hug them all and then Luke wraps his arms protectively around me.

He whispers in my ear," if you weren't already my girlfriend I'd ask you out right now..." he says smirking. " you're so sweet!" I say back looking him deeply in the eyes. We both lean in hungrily and kiss swiftly, making the party guest "awwww" in response.  I make my way to all of the guest and greet them. Even my family is here which is a surprise to me, as they live all the way in Illinois.

" Mom!!!" I yell and make my way into her loving arms..." how did you guys get here?!" I practically squeal. " The guys told us they bought plane tickets so we could be here to celebrate your entrance into the band." She says..." so you and Luke, huh?" She says smirking at me. I smile at her." He asked me out and we are kind of a thing now." I say. " That fast?! " she says shocked. " Well yeah he's basically been the only person I ever liked for years. He even confessed that he used to watch my videos on YouTube. Just trust me, I wouldn't be with him if I didn't think it was the right decision for me." She nods her head still trying to warm up to the idea.

A pair of arms wraps themselves around my waist, and a familiar scent fills my nostrils. Luke. My everything. I turn around and I'm met with his gentle eyes, and unwavering smirk.

"What are you doing Baby?" He asks. I smile, " hopefully you later." I whisper in his ear. He chuckles. " Don't start something you can't finish." He says a darkness taking over his eyes. "Oh. But Luke you don't know me not to finish the things I start." I say with a smirk. He kisses me hungrily, and then we pull apart as we hear someone clear their voice.

" Alana can I speak to you in private?" Says my mom, obviously ticked off. "Yeah. I'll be right back babe." I say to Luke. She grabs my arm firmly and drags me out to the hallway just outside the ballroom doors. " What the hell do you think you are doing young lady. You just now tell me about your relationship to a guy 3 years older than you, and now I overheard you all talking about having sex later. You are such a fucking slut. And to think I thought I raised you right. How dare you. You are such an ungrateful whore. You aren't even legal yet you want to fuck some dude you barely met a few weeks ago. I will not let you destroy yourself. After this party you are coming home. I suggest you say your goodbyes soon." She yells. I'm shocked, but I do something that old Alana would have never done. " No." I say in such a hushed tone I even have trouble deciphering if I had been the one to say it. " what?!" She says. " No." I say again a bit louder, and a lot firmer. " what do you mean "No."?!" She yells, grabbing hold of my arm with such hatred and anger. " I'm not going anywhere with you! I will not. You just called me a slut and a whore. I will never go anywhere with someone who thinks so lowly of their own daughter. I would have done anything for you. But now I don't even know you. I want you to leave." I say my voice calming now that I've said all the things I needed to. she looks at me with such disgust. " you are no child of mine." She says as she gather my family and leaves.

No one notices what just happened. I didn't even want to go back inside, as I was no longer in the mood to celebrate. I walk in nonetheless, trying to hide behind a pained smile and avoidance. People look at me with eyes as if to say "what's wrong?" Or "Are you okay?" But it isn't until Luke walks over to me and says." What happened? Where is your mom?" That I break down in tears. He wraps me up in his large arms and takes me to a corner where no one else can see us.

" baby, what happened?" He asks, and I relay the events of the past 10 minutes to him. He wraps me in another hug, and strokes my hair as I cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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