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Louis looked from the gun to the man and back to the gun. He dropped the bags when he noticed three other people behind him. A girl with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes wearing too much leather, a blonde boy with a face that didn't seem to belong in the criminal business and a brunette boy with brown eyes. They all had guns trained on them.

Liam and Zayn dropped their bags and raised their hands in defeat. The man tilts his head to the side and nods to the girl and blonde boy. They walk forward and collect the bags, keeping their guns on them.

"Cara, get the bags to the car. Niall, go to with her. Nick and I'll be out there in a second," The man says. The blonde boy and girl leave quickly, never uttering a word. He seems to be the leader of this entire thing.

"Masks off,"  The one named Nick says sternly. The three do as they're told, taking off their masks quickly.

Zayn and Liam were terrifyingly quiet behind Louis and he didn't know what to do. He watched as the one named Nick continued to point his two guns at Zayn and Liam. The other puts his weapon down slowly, and Louis takes a deep breath.

"If you weren't so good looking, you'd be dead by now," The man says. In the heat of the situation, Louis blushes. He quickly composes himself and tries to put on a bravado façade.

"Trying to be tough? I like it," The man inquires, a small smirk playing on his lips. Nick rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Stop flirting. The police will be here in a few minutes," Nick mutters curtly, winking at Zayn and Liam before making a run for the door, leaving the man with wavy brown hair alone and outnumbered.

Louis reaches for his own gun, pulling it out and planning to aim it at the attacker. He didn't get a chance, the man kicking his gun out of his hand and grabbing him by his neck. The man pulls him against his chest, Louis' back to him and holds his gun to his head.

"Don't think you should try that again, darling," The man says. Louis' eyes widen and he stares at Zayn and Liam helplessly.

"W-Who are you?" The man chuckles, bringing his lips to his ear, breath hot against his skin.

"Anything you want me to be, darling," With that, he pushes Louis away from him, making him tumble to the floor with a thud. Once Louis is up, the room is clad except the three of them. They all share confused glances when they hear the faint sounds of sirens.

"Shit, shit, shit. We have to get out of here," Louis mutters, picking up his mask and turning to the others.

He takes a second to remember the map of the bank before sprinting out of the vault and to a back room where there's a door leading outside. He could hear Zayn and Liam following behind him hastily, their footsteps the only sound other than the sirens getting nearer.

When they reached the back door, Louis moved to the side to let Liam break it off its hinges. He heard the faint sounds of policemen running into the bank and he started to panic. What if they get caught?

He thanks whatever heavenly being is above when Liam finally managed to break the door down. They run out into the crisp evening air, racing to their car and piling in.

Louis doesn't waste time, turning on the car and driving away, leaving a trail of smoke and tire burns behind them.


When they finally reach their flat, they catch their breaths. They clamber out of the car and trudge up the steps before closing the door behind them.

They take deep breaths, trying to figure out what happened.

"Who the fuck were they?" Zayn asks, obviously still shaken up. Louis leans his head against the door and shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't even know," Louis mutters, closing his eyes. His heart was still racing.

"How did they know we were going to be there anyway?" Liam asks, settling into the couch. Louis shrugs again and takes a seat next to him as well. Zayn joins them and they all sit down, thinking deeply.

Louis becomes agitated, annoyed with whoever the fuck that was and annoyed with life in general. Nothing will ever go his way and it pisses him off.

His mind runs wild, thinking of all the possibilities of how that guy knew they were going to be there that very night. Maybe they've been spying on them. Maybe they even knew where they lived. What if they came barging in here? What if they killed them in their sleep.

What if it was all just a big fat coincidence? What if it was only by bad luck that they both decided to rob the same bank on the same bank?


It was too specific. It couldn't be a coincidence. So then what was it?

He groans and leans his head back on the couch. He was overthinking this. His head was pounding, pricks of pain in his left temple. He closes his eyes and groans again. Everything was just so fucked up.

He shifts in the seat and feels something in his pocket. He ignores it at first but then curiosity gets to him and he digs into his front pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. He furrows his eyebrows as he stares at it.

How did that get in there?

He unfolds it and there, written in messy scrawl, reads,

Meet me at Baldwin's park on 11th street in two days at midnight if you want to know how I know you.

I'll be waiting, darling.

violent delights ➶ larryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя