I talked to Niyah for a couple more minutes and watched the block before I decided to leave. I had to check up on a few more spots and go see about a couple of people who owed me money. They obviously weren't taking the people I sent as messengers seriously so I had to show my face.

"You going with me?"Janiyah asked walking towards her car.

"Nah baby I got a couple of things to do today before I'm free. You can meet at home when you done shopping."

I let her know, reaching into my pocking seeing how much money I could peel off to her. I grabbed a stack of money from my pocket and chunked off a little less than half.

"Here take this bae."

"I got my own money."

She argued rolled her eyes. I popped her on her ass with my hand after seeing her roll her eyes.

"What I tell you about rolling them eyes." I saw her mumble something but decided to ignore it pulling her into me. I kissed her like it wasn't anybody watching us. Slipping my tongue in her mouth we wrestled for a while before pulling away. She just didn't know how bad she made me really want her.

"I'll be back around 4 or 5. Ima call you though."

She noted giving me one last kiss. I nodded and handed her the stack of money I had peeled off. Instead, she grabbed the larger stack I held in my other hand before turning to walk off.

"Thanks babe."

She laughed shaking the stack of money in her hand. I shook my head and couldn't help but to laugh. I don't know what Ima do with this girl. I love her to death.

Janiyah POV

Walking through the mall with Kiera we ignored the calls from all of the niggas trying to get our attention. It wasn't crowded although school was out, but I guess being that it was a weekday many people were working.

After looking inside a couple of stores we stopped at Aunt Annie's for some frozen lemonade.

"I mean I guess Tre be thinking that stuff doesn't matter but it definitely does to me. It affects both of our lives." Kiera vented as we paid for our drinks.

"I hear you. I just feel like this is only temporary. Like in a couple years neither one of them would still be trynna sell drugs."

"I hope so. It's putting us more at risk than he thinks it is."

She sighed as she looked straight ahead at nothing in particular. I grabbed my drink and handed her her's as we continued walking through the mall. I quirked an eyebrow as I tried to think about what she meant.

"K what you mean by that?" I asked her as she let out a deep breath.

"Nothing. Just that he needs to be more careful that's all." She muttered but I knew there was more to that statement than what she was telling me. Deciding to simply leave it alone we both enjoyed the rest of our time in the mall. I didn't spend as much money as I intended to because I hadn't seen enough items necessary to purchase. I spent $300 Akira on a couple of cute tops and skirts I'd seen. I also spent $600 at Victoria's Secret purchasing more panties, bras, robes, and a few lingerie pieces.

With the sexual tension building up between me and Tre I knew that there was only a matter of time before I was going to give him my virginity. I was in love and had no one else in mind on giving it to. He didn't pressure me or make me feel as though I had to in order to keep him, which only made me want to do it more. He wasn't persuading me to do anything I didn't want to and proved to me that he loved me on countless occasions.

Hood Love 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें