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I woke up quickly. I frowned at the realization that it was just a dream. It was 8:42 P.M, so I just went right back to sleep.


"You got like 50 hours of sleep how is your ass tired?" My mom said yanking of the covers off of me.

"I don't know." I mumbled into the pillow. I sighed and got up at least I get to see Normani today, so it won't be that bad. I got dressed, it took me longer this time so I had to run after the bus again.

"Really? Again Cheechee?" Camila chuckled.

"Shut up." I said blatantly.

On our way to school I realized Camila seemed a bit different, she had a smile on her face as she absentmindedly stared out the window.


Chemistry was hella boring, the teacher basically just lectured us about the periodic table. So instead of writing notes in my notebook, I set the notebook up and got on my phone to where he wouldn't see it. What I didn't notice was everyone's eyes were on me. I heard the teacher clear his throat and walk up to me. He moved the notebook away and took my phone. My eyes grew wide, I looked over and Normani was looking at me too.

"Talk to me after class." He said, and the class erupted in OOOOOH's. For the rest of the period I acted interested, but I was honestly thinking about what Normani thought of that incident. When the bell rung, I slowly walked up to his desk.

"Really? Getting on your phone in class?" He asked. "Don't you know that you're not allowed to have your phone out in class?" He basically yelled at me and said I couldn't get my phone back until the end of the school day, he handed me a late pass.

Next period I had Math with Camila. I walked in awkward and gave my note to the teacher. I set my stuff down and sat next to Camila.

"Why were you late?" Camila asked in a whisper.

"Because Mr.Williams caught me using my phone in class and he took it away." I whispered and Camila was shocked.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded. For the rest of the class we just practiced stuff we learned last year in our notebooks.


It was now lunch time, I bought my lunch and sat down in my usual spot. I noticed Lauren sat on the other side of Camila. They seemed closer today, I could tell Normani and Ally thought the same. I decided to break the silence.

"What happened yesterday?" I joked and wiggled my eyebrows, earning a slap on the shoulder from Camila and laughs from Normani and Ally. I noticed Camila and Lauren glance at each other for a second.

"ARE YOU DATING?" I shouted excitedly.

"Well were not official yet..." Lauren answered awkwardly.

After a minute of nobody talking, Ally noticed me and Normani looking at each other and Lauren and Camila being all lovey-dovey.

"I'm surrounded by gay." Ally broke the silence. The whole table began laughing.

We all looked around the table, "True." Camila, Lauren, Normani and I said in unison. We started laughing even more, we were so loud that tables around us were staring at us but we didn't care.

I had PE class after lunch with Normani, we got our gym clothes out of our lockers and headed to PE class.

"Everyone run 5 laps." The PE teacher yelled. Everyone groaned. We all ran 5 laps around the gym.

"Today we are playing basketball." My teacher said and immediately after, a bunch of obnoxious teenage boys started hollering "WOOOO!" and ran toward the cart with basketballs.

"Shut up its just a game in PE not the Olympics." I commented which earned a chuckle from Normani.

"Pick your teams." The PE teacher said carelessly. Our PE teacher was obviously very lazy and doesn't care about his job. Two of the most annoying boys immediately stood up to be team captains, Tristan Evans and Austin Mahone.

"Brad." Tristan said and Brad highfived him and stood next to him.

"Justin" Austin said and Justin walked up next to him.

"James." Tristan called up his other annoying best friend.

A few minutes later my name got called. "Dinah." Tristan said. I wasn't too thrilled to be on his team but Austin's team is just as bad.

"Becky" Austin called.

"Normani." Tristan called. At least I have her on my team.

Normani and I basically talked the whole period because none of the boys chose us to actually play.

The rest of the day went by painfully slow but somehow I managed to get through it. I walked to Mr.Williams classroom to retrieve my phone.

"What do you want?" He said blatantly and annoyed.

"My phone." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Here just don't get on it in class while I am teaching." He said and handed me my phone.

"Okay." I said even though I wanted to tell him to stop being so boring and maybe I wouldn't get on my phone.

I speed-walked out of his classroom to catch up to Camila and by this time there were only few people still in the hallways. I turned around the corner. Who are those people? Is that Camila and Lauren? I noticed Camila was next to her locker and Lauren was kissing her. I didn't want them to know I was watching them, so when they pulled away I acted like I just got back from getting my phone

"Hey guys." I casually said to them. It got awkward again.

"Um Lauren, Dinah and I are gonna miss the bus if we don't go now." Camila said awkwardly and checked the time.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath and showed me the time on her phone. We broke off into a run. All the buses engines were started and the doors were closed. Our bus started moving but the doors opened once the bus driver realized we need on the bus. As we walked near the back all of the freshmen and sophomores were staring at us like we were crazy. I lowkey flicked them off though.


I was playing around with snapchat filters on my phone until I got a notification, so I tapped on it.

Camila added Dinah to the conversation.

[3:05] Lauren: Hey guys wanna come hang out at my house?

[3:05] Camila: Yes

Of course she would be the first one to reply.

[3:06] Normani: Sure

I had nothing better to do so I agreed also.

[3:06] Me: Sure

[3:07] Ally: Okay


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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