Chapter 3

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The wind whistled past the tall grey chimneys of the old, well used brick warehouse. The crispness of the wind nipped at everybody's hands and toes in the busy streets and ally ways and the outskirts of London. Snowflakes spiralled down elegantly, glittering in the bright Christmas lights, to every surface they could find. Lots of people, who had finished their Christmas shopping or had very impatient children, wereice skating over the River Thames and underneath the old rusting metal bridge, laughing andgiggling. They held each other, with glove covered hands, to stop themselves from falling over onto the freezing cold ice.

This time of year, every one was merry- most of the time, anyway. Lit by flickering candle light, andvery little sunlight, the Doctor, Vastra and Jenny sat on the comfy padded chairs and sofas in the dark living room in silence. If you went in there, you could hear brains ticking, it was that quiet. After some time, Madam Vastra finally broke the silence and said; "Do you think that we should sum up our information so far?" The Doctor and Jenny quietly agreed. Their brains were working hard, but they had found very little information. Too little, in fact. By now, normally, they would have alot more facts.
"I think that we should go and aske some people if there is anything suspicious," Suggested the Doctor peculilarly.
"Let's see if Strax would want to come, he could help us collect more facts. And any way, it should cheer him up. For some reason, I think tht he was upset earlier." Said Jenny curioiusly. She shrugged as she left the room. They asked Strax, like Jenny had suggested, buy, unlike usual, he denied the offer. Apparently, there was somewhere he needed to go. But where?

As they wandered down to the River Thames, they all pondered about Strax. At times, oneof them opened their mouths, about to say something, but then realising that it wasn't that useful. "Right..." The Doctor started, his breath floated into the air, and he rubbed his freezing hands together. "Jenny, you go that way," as he said that, he pionted one way, "and Vastra, you go that way." He now pointed in the other direction. "And I will go another way. The Doctor finished. And they all marched off in other directions.

In the Doctor's direction, it was busier than he thought. He stopped people by grabbing them by the arm. Definitely not the best way of getting people's attention. As he did that, there were suspicious looks bieng passed round. The Doctor thought it was the best way of getting people to answer his questions, even though people told him it would be politer to say "Excuse Me". But, as usual, the Doctor ignored them. As the Doctor was getting his information, in his "polite" way, something lingered over him He knew what it was, but he didn't want to admit it.

Elsewhere, Madam Vastra wasn't doing any better. Proably doing worse than the Doctor. More people were talking to her than the Doctor, though. BUt hte people she was talking to didn't give any more new information. She sighed underneath her black lace veil; she wanted, and needed, more information to what's happening to Strax. She desperately wanted to know what had happened to her loveable, dear friend and she needed to stop this happening to Jenny and get Strax back to his normal self.

In the opposite direction, about a mile or two away from Vastra, Jenny was doing so much better than the other two. Words of persuasion were pouring out of her mouth, which helped a lot. Something might be happening to her too, as it was not like her ususal self. as people told her the new information, she scribbled in a small leather bound note book with a fountain pen. After a person had spoken to her, she thanked them gratefully with the biggest smile she could. It was definitely a better startegy than the Doctor's.

Every now and then, all three of them cautiuosly glanced upat Big Ben. Twelve. The loud bell struk twelve, echoing throughout London. The Doctor, Vastra and Jenny rushed back to Paternoster Square. Jenny was the first one to the house. Her breathing was deep. Sweat beads rolled down her pale face. She had horse muck at the bottom of her dress.She had to be the first one back as she had the only key they had brought out. Her figers went numb with the cold as she tried to open the door. The key fell to the ground, barely makeing a sound as it landed in the thick white snow, as se tried to unlock the door. She couldn't. Even when she turned the key in the lock. She definitely put the key the right way up. Why couldn't she open the door?Within seconds, suggestions ran through her head, in one ear and out the other. could it be Strax? Something is wrong with him... Jenny thought.

Every now and then, the three of them cautiously looked up at Big Ben clock tower. It struck twelve- loud, ghostly chimes echoed through the endless streets of london. The Dotor, Madame astra and Jenny rush back to Paternoster square. They weaved through the crowds of people; darting from side to side; dodging the horse and caridges.

Jenny was the first to the house. She fiddled with the key, her fingers slightly numb with the cold, and tried to push the door open. She couldn't. She had put the key the right way up. Why couldn't she get the key in? Why couldn't she open the door? Within seconds, suggestions flowed through her head, in one ear ad out the other. They floated, swam in a running thought train. Could it be Strax? Something's wrong with him... Jenny thought.

After a while, the Doctor came. He saw Jenny panicking, trying to get the key in the door over and over again, but not quite getting there. Immediately, he rushed over to her, his coat billowing in the wind. Vastra followed shortly.

The Doctor's eyebrows wereknitted together and he was muttering to himself as Jenny and him took turns in trying to twist the key and push the dor open repeatedly.

"What's the matter now?" Vastra sighed, shaking her head, and lifting her veil up.

"We can't get in. The door's jammed. We've knocked and shouted for Strax, but he's not answering. We've tried everything!" Jenny started to raise her voice slightly and her speaking sped up, innocently confused
Madam Vastra gave her a stren look.
"Miss. Sorry." Jenny loked down at the ground.

a small simle crept up on Madam Vastra's face. "It's okay, Jenny." A serious, concerned tone inhabited her voice, "we need a new way of getting in the house."
Madam Vastra looked around, her bright blue eyes sparkled even brighter. The Victorian Silurain Warrior placed her intricate lace veil back over face once again and marched into the busy main street. In a couple of minutes, Madam Vastra came back with two men in waistcaots, flat caps and oily hands following her, a ladder joining them. The Doctor and Jenny looked at each other, raising their eyebrows, confused.

-Notes from the author-
Hi, how are you? I'm fine, if you asked.
So this is the new chapter of my fanfiction, which was due a Long time ago. And I know I haven't been updating my stories, and I'm not for a while because I'm going to try to finish my four main stories before I start publishing them on here weekly. This will kinda help if I am busy on some weeks. I'll update you on that soon, so look out.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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