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It was deep in winter. Wind whipped everything in it's path. Snow slowly, delicately spiralled to the ground, covering it with a clean white blanket. Stars shone brightly in the deep navy blue sky, going round the glorius silver moon. Lamp posts let off a warm, orange glow, illuminating the road and the river. The River Thames had frozen over, creating a massive ice rink for the whole of London to use.Giggles and laughter were heard by the passersby of the ice skaters, as they clung on to each other as if thier long ago lifes depended on it. All of the semi-detached houses along the river bank were festively done up with tinsel, Christmas trees and all things Christmassy. stalls were lived up selling chestnuts, decorations or anything else a person might want around this time. Every one's face was lit up with festive cheer. Everything was merry - or was meant to be.

A strange, tall figure crept round the stalls, inspecting every little item. He had long arms and legs that dangled from his thin body. His dull, lifeless eyes brought fear into everyone, and everything, that looked into them. The man wore a suit. A plain black suit, which looked like it was dripping, soaking wet.

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