The Crow & The Butterfly

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"Hey Ayame." Adiou said as he sat on the couch in the main hall while I read one of the books Kaname let me borrowed the rest of the night class was out and about while me and Aido stayed in the night class dormitory

"Yes Adiou." I said turning to the blue eyed boy who looked at nothing in general while hold his "food"in his glass.

"Have you ever heard of the story of the Crow and the Btterfly?" he said while turning towards me I shook my head. Me and Adiou have surprising been getting close since Iv'e joined the night class. An he actual was as half bad as I perceived him to be, he was just very loyal to Kaname but also very cocky as well. 

"It was a story my mother used to tell. Long ago there was a crow that was feared by ever being. But one day a fire raged destroying everything and the crow was hurt but the butterfly who was kind to everyone  saved the crows life the crow asked the butterfly "Why? Why did you save me all Iv'e done was throw you said." and the butterfly responded back "Everyone one needs to feel protected." and the butterfly slowly faded away into the sky." he said looking up and reached out his arm as if he was trying to grasp something

"Adio?" I said softly he looked at me and for a moment just a brief one I saw a moment of venerability break his facade 

"Sorry I'm rambling a bit aren't I?" he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head goign back to his childish nature I shook my head

"No no no! I liked the story a lot." I said with a grin "Aido....What was it like? Growing up a vampire being around Kaname, Ruka and the other?" I pondered

"To be honesty with you I used to loath Kaname how everyone's attention centered even to this day I still loath him a bit." a frown yet look played on his face as he grasped the couches arm rest freezing it a little bit

"But growing up was no different than growing up a human sure my family was rich but I grew up like any other child. With the rich formalities of course but basic normal child stuff." he said as if it was nothing we both heard the main door open to see that the others had arrived back

"Oh so you guys are back." Aido said as he stood up and began to walk upstairs "I'm going to sleep." he sai as he finally left the room I thought about what he said and looked at Kaname

"What is it?" he said I waved my hands in front of me

"Oh nothing it just looked like you were tired that's all." I said coming up with a lie Kaname smiled at me 

"By the way spring break will be starting tomorrow so most of us will be gone. Is that okay with you I can always stay-"

"I'll be fine Kaname I can handle myself."


It was night time or daytime for us at least and I could not sleep as I felt my thirst creep up on me. My hand blindly roamed my nightstand for tablets to find none.

"I knew I forgot to do something today." I quietly got up from my bed and walked towards Aido's room knowing that he'll probably be the only one still up due to the constant light coming from his door thing this time for the last couple of days. I lightly knocked on his door knowing that he'll hear it and only seconds later the door was open

"Ayame? What are you still doing up at this time?" he question through the crack of his door I looked beyond him to noticed scattered papers on his desk

"I ran out of blood tablets, so I came to ask for some of yours."

"Oh sure." he said pulling out the box that contained them and handing them to me

"Thank you and good night Aido."

"Good night." he said closing his door as I was about to walk back to my room a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me backwards

"Aido-" I felt myself being thrown to a bed and then a weight being placed down next to me not to soon after

"Adio what are you doing?" I questioned as he turned off the light on the night stand nearest by him and wrapped his arms around me

"Stay with me like this...Just for a little bit Ayame till I fall asleep. I won't do anything funny you have my word." He said as he snuggled up in the crook of my neck as he held my waist tighter I rested on of my hands on top of his hair and slowly stroke his golden locks as I listened to his light breathing minutes later slowly into a even pace

"You know we're kinda are like the Crow and the Butterfly from that story." I whispered lowly careful not to wake him up noticing the little scratch that he had on his cheek had finally healed leaving a barely noticeable scar

Are you awake yer princess?


This goes out to the Aidou lovers (Like myself) maybe she'll end up with Aidou now who knows or a possible love square between her Zero, Aido, and Alois or even have more of Kaname thrown into the mix, who knows it anyone's game.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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