"wait really?" michael says surprised, calum elbows his side.


"a-anyways um how bout 6? we will come pick you up." michael says grinning and rubbing his side.

"okay! sounds good bye,"

"bye!" michael says hanging up.

michael and calum stand up and squeal.

"now go ask ash out!"

"ok ok ," calum says going inside with michael following behind.

"ashton can i speak with you?" calum asks. "alone."

"oh sure!" ashton says. they both go upstairs.

"what's the about?" luke asks.

michael giggles. "oh nothing!"

"so moms coming back tonight huh?" luke says.

"yeah," michael says sighing wishing luke could go on the date. but niall was hot.

"tell mom I'm going out on a date tonight," michael adds. luke shifts in his spot.

"w-what?! with who?"

"this guy named niall. he's so hot and ugh!" michael says smiling and fidgeting with his fingers.


"is something wrong?" michael asks.

"n-nothing, everything's o-okay..." luke says gulping.

"ok! well the dates at 6 so yeah." michael says shrugging.

calum and ashton come back downstairs.

"wait how old are you ashton?" michael asks curious.

"19, turning 20 soonish."

"oh calum likes older guys anyways," michael says winking at ashton. ashton and calum blush.

"you do too." calum says looking at luke who was zoned out.

"woohoo! luke?" ashton says waving his hand in lukes face.

"oh yeah?" luke says blinking and looking at ashton

"you zoned out."


5 H O U R S L A T E R

"what should I wear?!" michael says groaning in frustration.

"just wear what you feel comfy in. boys should judge what you wear, unless you are wearing a trash bag, but if that's all you have i'm not judging."

"wow thanks cal," michael says rolling his eyes.

"luke!" calum yells.

"what are you doing?" michael snaps.

"getting someone else's opinion,"

"yeah?" luke says appearing in michaels room with hickeys on his neck making michael roll his eyes.

"can you help us?" calum asks with puppy eyes.

"with what?"

"clothes! if you were going on a date with us what would you want us to wear?" michael asks.

"oh ummm let's see." luke says looking through michaels clothes.

he pulls out grey high waisted leggings, a baby blue crop top that says 'pretty daisy' and a black and grey long sweater. "this is for mikey."

"and for calum..." luke says handing calum blue cut up jeans, and a light pink blouse.

"wow daddy your good at clothes!" calum says.

"thanks guys, is that all you need?" luke says smirking.

"how bout our makeup?" michael says shrugging.

"please!" calum pleads.

"why not."

they get changed in the bathroom and they come back into the room.

"makeup time!"

luke does their makeup so flawless youtuber guru's would be jealous. but it as only a light amount of makeup.

"wow! thanks daddy!" michael says hugging luke.

calum joins the hug.

they hear a honk outside.

"oh i think ash is here, have a good date guys! what time do you thinks you guys will be done? me and darcy will be back tonight at 11. ok? bye!" luke says smiling and going downstairs back to darcy.

"thanks." michael says giving calum a small smile.

"for what?"

"for this date. you will be with the boy of your dreams and i'll be going out on a real date! my first day in fact. thank you." michael says smiling and giving calum a hug.

"awe your welcome baby!" calum says hugging back and they both walk downstairs and get their shoes on.

they walk out and get into ashtons car.

"wow." ashton says checking calum out, making calum blush.

"let's go pick up niall!"

they pick up niall and start to drive to a fancy restaurant.

"reservation for irwin." ashton says grinning at the woman.

"yep! follow me." she says. the four boys follow her and sit down.

"my names nia i'll be your guys waitress for this fine evening! let's start off with the drinks huh?" she says.

"iced tea please." michael says.

"me too!" calum says joining hands with ashton.

nia mods and jots it down.

"root beer," niall says and ashton nods his head saying root beer too.

"k! i'll be back with the drinks shortly." nia says walking away.

"this is fancy," michael says grinning.



"thanks for the date, your so beautiful and ugh i can't stop staring at you." niall says as they walk michael to the door of his house.

michaels face goes red.

"bye, have a safe night text me if you need me babe, okay?" niall says kissing michael, michael kissed back.

"bye sunshine." michael says breaking the kiss and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

niall goes back into the car. ashton and calum were making out.

"um i'll walk home then bye cashton!" niall says getting out of the car.

michael flops into his bed with a big smile on his face.

"he thinks I'm beautiful." michael says then getting ready for bed.

he gets a text.

niall 💕: goodnight babe ttyl

michael gasps and texts calum.

mike: hE sEnT mE a GoOdnIgHt TeXt oMggggggg brb gOnNa CrY

calculator 👺: LMAO GOALS #byemuke #hellonichael

mike: !!!!

calculator 👺: lol bye goodnight mike ashton wants to do stuff bye

mike: ew bye cal

he then texts niall a goodnight text too.

"ugh this life is amazingly perfect." michael says.

or is it?

daddy ♛ muke {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now