The humans stared at the Alpha in horror.

"That's why you want him dead," Jack breathed. It wasn't a question.

"And I won't stop until he is."

Ivy froze as she stared at Zeus, the blood drained from her features. Luke's hand slipped from her leg, moving to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Absentmindedly swatting his hand from her face, a murderous glare made its way onto Ivy's face as she glared towards Zeus. "What the fuck?" She blurted. "He raped her!?" She almost choked on the word as felt her eyes water, though she forced them back.

Zeus flinched at the word at the same time as Jack turned to look at Ivy, a guarded expression on his face. "She's not going," He finalised.

Zeus sat rigid in his chair as his darkened orbs flickered to stare at Jack. "I'm afraid she has no choice. In order for this to work, we need to gain Khan's trust. He won't suspect anything if you manage to befriend him." He looked towards Ivy. "You'll get your revenge."

Ivy was silent. Her unspoken question was evident in her eyes as she peered up at the Alpha.

What if he rapes me too?

Zeus had felt the urge to keep Ivy protected from the moment he'd met her in the cells. Now that she was finally free from her prison, his wolf sensing the fear that rolled from her body, he forgot about the fact that she had been born to destroy his own kind, and vowed, "I won't let him hurt you."

Jack was silent. He sensed that Zeus was being sincere, watching as his son spoke up for the first time, "How? How can you be sure he won't. We're miles away."

Zeus faced Luke, nodding his head slightly at the human's confidence as he looked him dead in the eye. Although he would have reprimanded one of his own wolves for such disrespect, he knew Luke's heart was in the right place; he loved Ivy. Grunting, Zeus crossed his arms over his chest, "My pack is nearer to their lands; I will protect her. I will have my wolves surrounding their territory; I'll get to her long before he even thinks of laying a hand on her."

Luke's jaw clenched as his eyes shifted down to Ivy who looked back up at him. His hand found her thigh again, resuming the drawing of circles on her skin, the sensation causing Ivy to relax as she leaned back in her chair. The four remained quiet in Jack's office until the sudden opening of the door had their eyes fixating onto a flustered Kyle who blushed as his green orbs focused on Zeus.

"Uh... One of your wolves..." Kyle trailed off as everyone stood, Zeus taking a step towards Zeus. Kyle tensed, his hand automatically flying to his hip where his Hunter's knife was hidden. Zeus rolled his eyes. Kyle cleared his throat, eyes flickering towards Jack who stood behind Zeus, before looking at Zeus once more, "One of your wolves have started a fight with one of our men."

Jack didn't have to ask who as he groaned, taking off after Zeus who brushed past Kyle, Ivy quickly following. Luke flashed Kyle a smile as he moved to march after the others.

"They sure are scary beings," Kyle murmured.

Luke paused in the doorway, snorting. "They aren't that bad."

"They still kill," Kyle pointed out. Luke was silent before shaking his head.

"You know nothing. They feel just like us," He said, remembering the look in Zeus' eyes when he spoke about Anya. "In fact, they probably feel more than we do... The only difference between us and them is that they have a beast inside them."

Kyle frowned, "More like they have a monster inside them." Luke looked down at Kyle, his face blank as he blinked slowly.

"Don't we all?"

Hercules [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now