Dating Derek Hale Would Include...

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-Derek being happy when he realizes that you're his new anchor.

-Calling him 'sour wolf'.

-Spending a lot of time at the Hale loft.

-Derek telling you about the supernatural relatively soon after you began dating, because he didn't want to become too attached to you, just in case you didn't take the news well.

-Derek answering all your questions about the supernatural.

-Derek trying to keep you out of all the pack drama, because he doesn't want you to be in more danger than you already are in.

-You helping the pack in any way you can.

-The pack teasing him about how much he smiles when you're around.

-Derek telling you about his past, because you are one of the few people he truly trusts.

-Derek being protective of you and vice versa.

-Flirting with him in front of the pack, because it's funny when they see him flustered.

-Derek refusing to give you the Alpha bite, because he's terrified that you won't survive.

-Sparring together, but Derek would always be careful so he won't hurt you.

-Derek showing you ways to defend yourself.

-Dealing with Derek being incredibly stubborn.

-Dealing with grumpy Derek.

-Sex all over his loft.

-Derek being happier when he's with you.

-Watching him workout.

-Tracing his tattoo with your fingers.

-Derek giving you his leather jacket when it's cold.

-Derek always monitoring you're heartbeat.

-Derek randomly calling you to make sure that you're safe.

-Having lots of inside jokes that no one understands.

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