your different

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eve's p.o.v

my name is eve my dad walked out on me and my mom when i was 13 im 15 now my mom works herself to death because she cant get over it,i feel bad and we just moved to california because my mom didnt like living in the dirty south of atl so we left but it didnt matter to me i didnt have friends everyone was ghetto i only hung out with boys but i stopped when they started thuggin, so for a hobby i box and rap im really different i have no one here for me i try to help myself out but im alone

eve "ma can i please help you unpack"i ask her

"no im fine go make some friends i didnt buy you that phone for no reason now go" she says to me i walk out the house mad my mom won tlet me help her i go to the basketball court/park there are some ppl there i walk up to four boys playing basket ball one with an afro, one with curls, another with a brush cut,and a fine one with two braids, i mean they all fine but especially that one i watch the game wanting to play too but then they notice me standing there and they talk to me

afro:"hi um can we help you" he says sweet and kindly

me:" no i was just whaching, sorry if i creeped you out" i reply  i wish i wasnt so akward

curls:"you wanna play" he asks

me:"i dnt know if yall are on my level yet" i say in a cocky tone and smirk

curls:"alright lets see what you got" he says smiling i get in the game and score the most points steal the ball from curls because he wnted to see what i had slam dunk on 2braidz jst cuz i wanted to, i call out a travel on afro and dodge brushcut from trying to steal the ball from me when the game is over all the boys are shocked i laugh at there faces

me:" i know im amazing right" i say while smiling

2braidz:"i guess i mean i let you score those points basically"

i laugh"whatever you say"i reply in disbelief

curls:"whats your name" he asks me

me:"yvelsha(eve-el-sha)but everyone calls me eve what are yours"i ask all of them

2braidz:"rayan, but you can call me ray"

curls:chresanto, but you can call me roc"

afro:"jacob, but you can call me prince"

brushcut:"craig, but you can call me prod"

me:"why do they call you roc"i ask only concerned about his name

roc:"you wanna find out"

i laugh"naw im straight bruh"i say

ray:"did you just move here" he ask

me:"yea how'd you know" i ask confused

ray:"because when i woke up there was a moving truck at the house infront of mine"

me:"oh thats was up i live infront of you" i say happily 

ray:"yeah"he smiles

me:"well im boout to go to the corna stoe" i notice i  say that scentence so improper but i dnt care they come with me as we walk into the store we see a boy bye the name of diggy and another bye the name of jacob i know because all 4 boys went up to them and said there names i go and get me some gushers and fruit puch arizona i pay for it and wait for the boys they come and introduce me to jacob and diggy we all walk out the store and hang out in front of it, were talking making jokes and cracking on eachother i realy like having friends. when its about 8:00 everyone starts heading home me and ray are walking together

ray:" do you like it here" he asks me

me"yea its real cool i like hanging out with yall" i say all smiley because its just me and ray, ray smiles his smile is so sexy damn this boy is fine

ray:"why you smilin so much" he asks me

me:"what i cant smile"i say playfuly

ray:"you can but you smilin for a reason" he smirks i think he knows i like him

me:"so" i say

ray:"so you like me thats why you smiling" he says smirking

me:"you cute but you aint all that" i say to him knowing that boy is fine

ray:"why you lying be real with me" he says damn this boy can see right through me how does he do that shit (i know its old but this song has been in my head all day)

me:"okay, okay i am feeling you, i think you fine as hell" i say laughing at myself

ray:"i like you too, and you also fine as hell"he says immatating me and laughing i smile extra hard as he waks me to my door

me:"bye ray" i say to him as i give him a hug

ray:"what i cant get a kiss" he ask me smiling

me:"sure" i kiss him on the cheek and giggle becuse he was expecting more

ray:"alright since you wont give me the kiss i wanted, let me get your number" he says smiling i give him my number and tell him i'll text him later i walk in my house with a huge smile on my face but it changes to confusion when i realize random ppl are in my house i walk to my mom and question her about it

me:"who are these ppl"i ask her

mm(my mom):"there from across the street they wanted to greet us"she says smiling, i look to see a women and a little girl i smile as i notice everything is already unpacked i go upstairsand take a shower then i start to cook dinner right before my mom gets up so she wont have to work so hard

mm:"oh eve i got it" she says

me:"no take a break talk to our guest" i tell her

rays p.o.v

im really happy i got eve's number and im extra happy she likes me i walk into my house and no ones there my mom and little sister are gone i see a note on the counter saying they went next door and for me to come bye when i get home i smirk to myself knowing that im about to go to eve's house i take a shower and put on a all black shirt that said trill in white some white khaki's and black and white bread 11's gotta look good for my girl well not yet but still i walk to her house and knock on the door a women that looks like eve opens tha door 

em(eve's mom):hello you must be kiesha's son rayan" she says welcoming me in to her home

me:"yes ma'am" i say smiling i walk in her house its very nice they have black leather couches a flat screen tv an all black wood coffe table and all black wood dinning room set with a chandelier hanging over the table they have all wood floors and an upstairs, the kitchen is really big and i can see eve cooking in there i sit down and introduce myself to her i think mom then go in the kitchen with eve

me:"hey"i say o her but she jumps because she didnt know i was here

eve:"ray how did you get into my house you almost gave me a heart attack" she says to me

me:" my mom told me to come over here to meet your family" i explain to her she smiles because she's happy im here i can read her like a book but nobody eles can which is wierd, she's different

eve:"well im almost done cooking i just have to bake a cake will you get plates for everyone to eat"she asks me kindly i open the cabinet and get 5 pates for all of us she puts a piece of chicken on each plate then some macaroni and chese then some corn bread i find the forks and get some for each person i put the plates down on the table then walk back into the kitchen when i walk back in eve is pooring strawberry kool aid into five different cups she takes two at a time i take two to help her out there is one cup left for her she takes it and sits down right across from me

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