Chapter 14: Melancholic Return (The End)

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After a road of many stones and checkpoints, in which the hardest lives went on, things became change, secrets revealed, and all of the things, here is the last chapter of Escape.

Last chapter

"Finally, my dream's gonna come true," Sam barked. "You can't feel my happiness."

Hadwin turned around to look at a round figure, a dreadful figure and a spooky figure.

"Sam Cruise, so you want to kill all of us?" Hadwin closed his eyes.

"Ah, you. I think it's the time to reveal everything, and let you know the secret behind all of this."

"It really is." There were small drops of tears on Hadwin's face, and on the right Daisy, Zack and John were listening quietly.

"What is your father's occupation?" Sam Cruise laughed.

"He's a bank boss." Hadwin smiled.

"Exactly. And you might've heard the name, 'Shaun.'" Sam Cruise became furious.

"A..ah...e..y..yes." Hadwin hesitated to speak.

"He is my SON!!!!" Sam Cruise bursted into tears. "He worked at your father's office as assisstant but he didn't liked to. What was the point to give him fake warnings!"

"Warnings?" Hadwin asked.

"Yeah. Your father gave my son warnings like he will kill my son!" Sam Cruise said.

"That's not the truth." Hadwin said, "The truth is that your son didn't liked to work at my father's office so my father gave him resignation letter and told him to never come back. Your son tried to get his salary for six days, so my father just told him to leave. Your son was not getting the point, my father shouted and gave him warning 'leave or i'll kill you'. This led your son die." Hadwin explained all the matter.

"You're a big liar! Completely, a big liar!" Sam shouted.

"Alright, so why you want to kill me though i've did nothing?" Hadwin asked.

"Kill you. Let your father know the pain of the absence of a son who is so great to you." Sam mumbled.

"He's already through too much," Hadwin wiped his tears. "I think that was enough for mah Dad."

"That wasn't. A life, in which you get through numerous problems and still is doing nothing to get his revenge, is so bad." Sam Crusie cried. His tears told Hadwin that he was in real pain, as Hadwin's father. They both had gone through too much, more than everything.

"Fool." Sam said.

"Why the heck are you saying me Foool?! It was your mistake too, realise. Your life was a nightmare, so it became for me and my family too. Ones, who don't exactly have a family must know about their freakin' lives!" Hadwin shouted.

"I had a family. A happy, smiling and grinning family. Your father, ah God, ruined us!" Sam Cruise came closer a step.

"Just by the way when i came at your cottage, why didn't you killed me?"

"That's because i wanted you and your friends to suffer, suffer alot!" Sam cried.

"Why the heck don't you understand that it's not my Dad's fault at all, and even if there was a little, he is suffering." Hadwin spoke.

"That's the matter of fact," Sam said. "Some people who look like so good, and what they do becomes so shameful."

"What have i done that shameful?" Hadwin asked.

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