"Don't yell at me. You started this whole dating thing. So don't you dare get angry at me for playing along," I shrug my shoulders.

"Playing along?" he huffs. "You changed it the way you wanted," he makes a short pause,"but sadly are right," he admits. 

My eyes widen. He said I was right? Am I dreaming right now? 

"But," he continues. "You have to pay for that," he grins and before  I can react he walks away.

I'm too stunned to realize what he just did. He is leaving, without me I might add. But he is the one that drove us here. He wouldn't dare.

"Where are you going?" I scream after him.

He only turns around half way and I want to smack that smile of his face when I see it.

"Thanks to you I now have the perfect idea for her present," he calls back, but still continues walking.

"And what about me?" I ask taken back.

"Take a bus or walk," he answers.

I run after him, but when I round the corner he is nowhere to be seen. He really left me here, it occurs to me and angers bubbles inside of me. This jerk, I think and want to strangle him. What kind of guy leaves a girl like that? Only this damn Reece Matthew.

In the end I have to take a taxi, who brings me home. I'm exhausted and the next day isn't better. I'm still furious at Reece. With to much force I slam my locker door and only notice my best friend when he coughs next to me to get my attention. He has an unreadable expression on his face and it feels like weeks since I have last talked to him.

"Oh hi, I didn't notice you there."

"Yes, I know," he answers me bitterly, and I know something is wrong. 

"You didn't really notice my calls or messages do you?" Aiden states, and I instantly feel guilty.

He is right, I have neglected him over the last few weeks. I can't even remember the last time we had a proper talk. I was too occupied with the M.E that I didn't care about my normal life and Aiden.

"I'm sorry," I whispers. My eyes show sorrow and Aiden huffs, before his stone hard expression crumbles. He shows his normal self to me and I smiled at him for forgiving me.

"Alright, let's make a deal. Tonight at my house with food and some DVDs?" he asks me with a smile.

I nod, but then remember that I have training after school. And Eric and I sometimes train for over hours. 

"What is is now?" My best friend then asks irritated as he sees the apologetically look on my face.

"I can't tonight," I tell him.

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you Aiden, it is complicated," I try to explain, but he doesn't hear me out.

"I don't get you Celia. Everything was fine until one day you just cut me out of your life. Did I do something wrong or did I upset you?" he wants to know. 

He is hurt and I completely understand, but there is nothing I can do about it.

"No Aiden you didn't do anything wrong, it's just that...." I can't even finish this sentence, because I don't know what to tell him. 

Weeks ago I would have told him everything new in my life, but now I can't, because this secret does't only involve me. There are Kitty, Eric, the other super humans and Reece.

Thinking of him, he has the perfect timing to appear. Well, not really. 

"Celia, I need to talk to you," he says and completely ignores Aiden next to me, who has even now and wants to leave.

"Maybe you can come to my important game next week, if you are not too busy," he spits and turns around to walk away.

Did I just lose my best friend? It felt like that and the whole in my heart increased. Aiden is everything to me and I can't imagine a life without him. I have to make this up to him no matter what.

"Celia," Reece whispers out my name. "Are you okay?"

"No I'm not," I state angrily. Only now I notice that I'm crying. Again in front of Reece. But who cares anyways. 

"What do you want Reece?" I ask.

Reece isn't sure how to react this time. He knows that I'm still angry at him and upset at the same time. It isn't a good combination, however he isn't careful with his next words and just drops the next bomb on me. 

"The girl from yesterday," he starts and I watch him closely," she is nowhere to be found."

Amazing, I think sarcastically.

Hey guys! I know it has been weeks again, but something bad happened. I wrote this chapter, but then my laptop didn't work anymore and I couldn't upload it. But here it is finally. I hope you like it and leave a vote and a comment. What do you think happened to the girl and what is with Aiden? Do you think he is fair or should be more understanding? Have a nice day!

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