Chapter 9: Glamping

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Hello there buddies! I know you're wondering what GLAMPING is and this is one of the best experiences that Sumilon island has to offer. It's not that I am advertising or something but I think this is a really romantic thing that lovers can do in there. I hope to experience this in the future. Hahahaha While reading this, play "Stay" by Olivia Broadfield. Enjoy this update. 


We never talked when we got back to our room. Travis  quiet the whole time we walked back to our room but all the time in walking we held hands. When we got to the door we looked at each other not really sure of what to say. 

"I was ---" we both said at the same time. I could see him smile and I returned it. I felt shy for the first time. 

"You first," he said ,motioning for me to continue.  I nodded. 

"I was really trying to wrap my head around what just happened. I still want to say that we need to take it slow. I mean that was my... my first... you know.." I was stammering. Wait! Why am I stammering?

"I know. I'm sorry for surprising you that way. I...I just couldn't help myself."

"Let's just forget about that. I don't want to complicate things right now." That must have taken him aback. I can't blame him. His lips that smiled turned into a thin line. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just that...I can't be in a relationship right now. I'm still confused."

"So you're telling me that I do stand a chance in making you completely fall in love with me?" 

"I still am not sure about that."

He opened the door and let me in. I went straight to the sofa and got my toiletries. I looked at him with a nod he motioned me to use the bathroom first. As soon as I got in, I locked the door and hurriedly placed  my things on the bathroom counter and looked myself in the mirror. 

"Are you really going to let him in your heart Jackie?" I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding the whole time. "Take it one step at a time, there's no need to rush." And then I hear Jordin Sparks' song. 

I took a warm shower and made sure to scrub all the feelings of discomfort out and tried to practice acting normal around him. Changing into my pj bottoms and a shirt topped with a sweater, I tried to act normal. Or at least that's what I think. 

But when I got out, I had the biggest surprise. Imagine seeing a ripped twenty-three-year-old guy in his pajama bottoms shirtless. I stared at his physique and I think the right term is ogle. Yeah. Ogle. 

"See anything  you like?" was his question with a smirk.

His question got me back to reality and I stared at him again. Come on Jackie, stop staring. "Uh... it's your turn to use the bathroom."

He got in and I rushed towards the sofa after I grabbed a pillow and blanket. I took my place and tried to keep my eyes shut. I heard the shower turn off and the door of the bathroom close. Then the next thing I heard, I have footsteps nearing me. I felt him get down on one knee and the feel of his lips against my hear. 

"Goodnight, Jackie."


The next morning, I felt someone shake me. I turned to my side and I came face to face with a grayish-blue eyed angel who was smiling at me. 

"Good morning... breakfast?" he asked.

"Yeah... good morning." Then I realized I haven't brushed my teeth yet and my mouth probably smelled so bad. I got up and went to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and inspect how I looked like. I heard him laugh behind me. 

"I'll be waiting at the veranda."

"Okay." Breathe Jackie. Breathe...Please... I quickly took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and headed out to the veranda where breakfast was waiting.

We had breakfast and decided to go swimming. This was the dilemma now. I wasn't sure if I was going to go swimming since Mom meddled with my stuff before leaving for Sumilon. She actually got rid of my rash guard and packed some bikini instead. Thankfully she left my shorts in the bag. I paired it with a shirt for modesty's sake.

We went to the shore and he got his towel spread on the sand and I did the same. I sat on my towel and watched him swim just in his board shorts (God help me!) in the water whilst I applied sunblock. I already had a slightly tanned skin but I wasn't a fan of getting a sunburn, hence the sunblock. 

"Aren't you going to join me?" he asked as he got out of the water. 

"I..uh.. I'm not in the mood for swimming."

"Oh come on... pretty please." I rolled my eyes and out of the blue stood up to join him in the water. I shimmied out of my shirt and went to him for a swim. At least he didn't say anything about my figure with the bikini top. 

We swam and that was it. After an hour or so, I got so tired that I went to the shore to get my shirt and towel up. I wasn't sure what the next activity was but I wanted to get some rest. He did the same and we went to our room to get ourselves dried up. 

In the afternoon, some time after lunch, a staff came into our room and told us that Ninang Angie has booked us to experience glamping. We just nodded yes and the guide advised that we take an overnight bag with us. 

We walked to the other side of the island near the watch tower which was thought of to be a fortress in the time of war. We took some pictures and was really surprised to see a modernized tent. I was surprised to see that it had electricity and that it was more comfortable than the usual tent. I spent the afternoon holed up in the tent and took a nap. 

When evening came, the staff delivered our dinner and we ate quietly. 

"Aren't we going to talk like last night?" he asked as he took a bite of his food.

"About what?"

"About you and me and our interests." 

"You go first."

"I'll be a gentleman."

I rolled my eyes and talked about what I do in my free time besides art. And he did the same. Having a conversation with him made me feel tingly and it somehow made me feel that I've never opened up to anyone else other than my family. It's like he knew me and understood me despite the time that we've been together. 

As the night drew in, I hopped onto my bed and turned to my side when I heard someone move things in the tent. I turned to look around, Travis was already busy in moving his bed next to mine. I panicked. 

"It's not what you think?"

"Then what are you doing? Why are you moving your bed next to mine?"

"I just want to sleep next to someone. Don't worry. I'll just stay on my side and not get in your way."

I nodded and went back to lying on the bed. I huffed an air of panic. Then the lights were turned off. The only thing that I could hear was the sound of us breathing and the wind bustling. It was cool and luckily we had blankets since it was really cool. Then there was the sound of thunder and the next thing I know, rain was pouring. The tent kept us safe from the rain but the thunder and lightning weren't helping. 

As soon as the thunder rolled and lightning went with it, I didn't care about my discomfort sleeping next to him but I hugged him for relief. 

"Are you afraid of the thunder and lightning?" he chuckled.

"What does it look like?"

"Okay. I get it. You don't like it. But this is a comfortable position."

I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to pry myself off him when a next batch of sounds rolled. I immediately took a hold of him and buried my face into his chest.

"Shh... I'm here. Don't worry."

 I nodded. I felt him kiss the top of my head again and he now locked me in his embrace. The shaking that I felt from fear started to disappear as he hummed some familiar tune into my ear. It was a song called "Stay". 

"Sleep now. I'll be here."

Then I drifted to dreamland with the best dreams ever. 

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