Chapter 7: Off to Sumilon We Go

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Hey pips! Here's another update and I'd like to put a spotlight on one of the most famous tourist spots in the Visayas Region - Sumilon Island. The picture above is taken from the net (obviously) from a resort in the island. I hope you'll enjoy the update.

And so the family had dinner and enjoyed the last day at the beach house. My brother and parents were there with Kuya's girlfriend and the rest of the family adored Travis so much. He was great at getting along with my cousins, uncle and aunt and Mamita. 

We all got the chance to enjoy the clear water at the beach and even played beach volley there with my cousins. It was great. The time there was memorable. It was the first time in three years that we were complete like this and that I had so much fun like this. We weren't able to have a lot of reunions like this since some of my relatives have chosen to stay abroad and this was the only time that they were all able to heed to Mamita's plea. She needs to see her children after all. 

On the day that we were going to leave, Ate Elydia an Mamita made sure to have a word with me before I left. I was driving with Travis and of course, Mom, Dad and Kuya were going in their own cars. 

"Hija," Mamita started as I took a seat beside her on her bed. "I know that you're Mom is trying to make you like Travis and I guess you will be needing some pushing."

"What do you mean Mamita?" I asked as I was confused with the idea of pushing.

"What Mamita is trying to say is that Travis is okay with us, baby girl. Na-prove na n'ya na mabait siya and he knows how to respect us. I am giving my vote. Shane thinks the same and the rest of the clan does."

I was surprised with this. Who knew that these two were cahoots with Mom all along but I wasn't a bit angry with them. They were looking after me after all. They were just worried about my safety especially my heart's. 

"Mamita, you know I'm not rushing things. He's told me that he likes me but I'm just taking my time now. It's been quite long since I was in a relationship."

"I can feel he can wait, hija. Just trust in your feelings and you can be assured that we'll be praying for the success of this love team."

Ate Elydia and Mamita giggled as I groaned in my response. They were teasing me and I just kissed and hugged them both. Mamita will go back to the ancestral house in Lowac and Ate Elydia will return to their hotel in the city. She worked for a foundation in the US as one of the head staff members. Her husband on the other hand, Shane, was a record producer stationed in New York. They'll be leaving in two days time. I, on the other hand, had to get ready to be stuck in traffic with Travis again. 

Luckily the drive was a bit quick since the traffic wasn't that bad. We were both quiet in the car and I caught him sleeping during the ride. It was a relief for me since I couldn't think of anything to say to him anymore after the pep talk I got from Mamita and Ate Ely. 


As planned by Ninang Angie, we'll be having a break in the city for a day before we head out for Sumilon. I pleaded to get the day off for myself. I needed to grab a brush and paint something for my own sanity...I mean benefit.... The first week of being with Travis was coming to a close and I was thankful for it. 

I had a chair in front of my easel and held palette on one hand and the brush on the other. I started to paint mindlessly and little did I know, a face surfaced into the canvass. It was the face that made my heart flutter in the last couple of days. His eyes were a shade of blue that made me wonder what he was thinking of most of the times. 

I stared at the portrait and felt my heart beat so fast. It was something unexpected. Was it real? Was I really falling for Travis? This was really dangerous. I had to guard my heart at all costs. 

The next day, Mom and Dad did the honors of driving us to a port in Oslob where the boat that was taking us to the resort was docked. I was just quiet in the back seat with Travis beside me. He was too busy talking to my Mom and Dad. I wasn't really sure on what to do so I got my headphones and started to listen to music. The trip took three hours with a couple of stop overs for restroom breaks and all that. 

As we got to the port, Dad made sure that our bags got in the ship and safely as he and Travis exchanged some words about something that I didn't know. Men stuff I guessed. My Mom on the other hand gave me a lecture on what not to do. 

"Don't ever think of drinking too much, Jackie. You'll be staying with Travis in a room so you better look after yourself. I placed your vitamins and favorite snacks in your bag. Take care and enjoy safely okay?"

"Mom, I'm not going there on honeymoon but I'm just taking the guy there, watch him and make sure that he won't fall off a cliff or something."

"Jackie you know what I mean... things happen, dear." Despite the message she was giving, there was something behind that statement that made me roll my eyes. I seem to forget that Mom was from the liberal side of the world. Things are welcome to happen.

"Yeah. We better go. The boat's waiting."

She nodded and I gave my hugs and kisses to my parents as Travis just hugged my Mom and gave my Dad a pat on the back. We were assisted to get on the motor boat and had our 15-minute-trip to the island started. 

Hues of blue stretched and I could see an island there with the sandbar just a couple of meters away from it. I was excited and I was just sad that I couldn't bring my art stuff though. Luckily I got my phone and started to take pictures of the whole place as Travis did the same thing. 

We got to the island on time and were welcomed by some staff members as soon as we docked. They helped us with our little bags and led us to the reception area. The receptionist smiled at us but definitely showed that she had the hots for my travel buddy here. The bastard just smiled in return. Flirt!

"Welcome to the resort! Can I have your names please?"

"I'm Jacqueline Borromeo and he's Travis Norton. We have a reservation under the name of Angela Morrison." 

The receptionist checked our reservation on her computer and then informed us of our room number. She then smiled a bit sourly my way when she was about to give the information. 

"You'll be staying in the honeymoon room. Our bellhops will help you with your luggage." She then signaled one of the porters to grab our bags. 

I didn't hear or see what she did with the bellhop. I still haven't gotten over the fact that we were staying at the honeymoon room. What was my godmother thinking? She was going to get it from me now on the phone. I don't give a damn about time difference anymore. 

 Travis noticed that I was still not moving and placed an arm around me to get me moving as we both followed the bellhop to our room. The staff opened our room giving a bunch of instructions to Travis about the room key and stuff. I bypassed that part and just decided to get my phone to contact my godmother. 

"Nice room!" Travis said as he walked towards the bed. "Looks like we're sharing the bed."

I fumed at the thought of sharing the bed with him. Luckily the room was spacious enough and it gave me enough room to avoid sharing the bed with him. I saw the sofa and found a brilliant plan. 

"No. I'm going to stay on the sofa and you're staying on the bed." I grabbed my bag and dumped it on the sofa. As soon as I did it, I grabbed my phone and headed for the door. 

"Where are you going?"

"Out. I need to have a word with my godmother." Then I closed the door with a loud thud. 

The Road TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora