Chapter 8

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Three months later...

It's been about three and a half months since uni has started. It's been good, so far.

Trevor and I are amazing besties, Matt and I are a little closer, I've applied for a few jobs too.

I sit at my laptop, browsing Instagram. Just looking at my feed. My phone buzzes. I look down.

Trevor: yo girl, come over. NOW.

This is weird.

Alyssa: everything ok?

Trevor: yes :) just need to talk.

Alyssa: k be there soon xxx

I throw on some sneakers and leave. I drive to Trevor's house. I get to the check in gate. A security guard sits in this box thingy. "I'm here for the Wilsons house," I say, as I pull my window down.

"Name?" He asks sternly.

"Alyssa Winters," I reply. He picks up a phone speaker.

"There's someone to see you, sir. Alyssa Winters," he speaks into it.

"Let her in," I hear Mr Wilsons voice say. He says okay and then presses the button to open the other gates, leading me into the neighbourhood. I pull up into the large driveway.

I walk to the front doors and ring the doorbell. The door opens, Courtney greets me. "Oh, hello Alyssa. Come in," she beams and opens the door wider for me to walk in. I step inside.

Trevor walks in. "Hey Alyssa, c'mon," he says. I smile at him, as I kick off my shoes. I follow him to his bedroom. He shuts the door behind us.

"So, what's this all about?" I ask. He sighs.

"Well, somethings been bugging me, that I need to tell you," he breathes out.

"What is it?" I ask, as I sit down beside him on his bed.

"Just don't judge me, please. A lot of people would," he says.

"I'll love you no matter what. You're my best friend," I say, as I put a hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me anything."

"I don't know how else to say this..." He trails off. "I'm gay!" He says. I gasp. I knew it!

"Oh my God! Trev, that's...amazing," I say.

"Really? I thought you'd be grossed out," he confesses.

"What? No way, I'm so glad you told me. Don't care about what others say, be yourself." I hug him. He hugs me back.

"Thanks, Alyssa," he says. "I'm too scared to tell anyone else. You're the only one I've told."

"It's okay, tell them when you're comfortable. If they don't accept you, you don't need them, girl!" I pull away from the hug. I see a huge grin on his face. I'm glad I could encourage, and motivate him.

"Thanks Alyssa, you're amazing. Anyways you hungry?" He says.

"Yes, starving," I chuckle.

"Burger King?" Trevor asks, excitedly.

"Burger King!" I reply, how they say in The Fault In Our Stars. He laughs and we head out.


Trevor drops me back to my dorm. I thank him, and remind him to be himself.

"Hey," I say to Matt, who is sitting on the couch.

"Hey Alyssa?" He asks. I look up at him. "Do you wanna go to this bonfire thing with me, this Friday?" Is he asking me out? I can't deny. I've been wanting this, but is it a date?

"Umm...sure," I accept. He smiles.

"Great," he replies. I nod, and leave the couch. I walk to my room. I check my phone. My mom has been calling.

I call her back. It rings a few times, and then she answers. "Hello," her regular, cheery voice speaks.

"Hey mom, sorry for not picking up earlier," I reply.

"It's fine sweetie. You've probably been up to all that studying!" She booms. God, I haven't been studying at all.

"Yeah, I've been pretty busy, lately," I lie.

"Good. I was just calling to ask you something," she begins. "When are you visiting?"

"Oh, I don't even know. Hopefully soon. I'll tell you when I can," I reply. She pauses.

"Okay, Ali misses you. Here, talk to her." There's weird shuffling noises.

"Hello?" Ali's shy voice says.

"Hey Ali, what's up little kiddo?" I say.

"I miss you!" She pouts. I chuckle.

"Me too. I'll visit soon, okay?" I tell her.

"But I want you here, now," she whines.

"Maybe, if you be good, I'll bring you candy!" I bribe her.

"Really?! Okay, see you!" She hangs up. She makes me laugh. I throw my phone onto my bed. I should probably study. We have an exam tomorrow.


I rush into my class, not wanting to be late. I step in. Class hasn't started.

I take my seat, beside Trevor. "I didn't see you on campus. Where were you?" He whispers.

"I don't even know. I was in a hurry, okay?" I reply. Mrs Evans walks in, wearing her usual grey pantsuit. Her black heels, make loud tapping noises as she walks to the podium.

"Hello class, welcome. I hope you all had good time to study, because we are doing an exam, as most of you already know!" She says, as she hands out the papers. Many groans come from the students. "Hey, you all knew before hand. Should've studied," she snaps.

I get my test and start immediately. It's fairly simple. I finish within ten minutes and sit there, waiting for class to end.

"Alright, time. Please hand in your exams on my desk. Have a good day," Professor Evans says.


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