Wanna Dance?

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Our eyes locked for what felt like a lifetime, time stilled as we sized each other up. He was like a giant and he wasn't even standing yet. He had a cold distant look in his eyes and something told me we weren't going to be braiding each others hair anytime soon. With that thought running through my head I unintentionally snorted, effectively breaking our eye contact. Great.

The beast man was looking at me intently and at my snort raised an eyebrow.

"What's so amusing girl? I wouldn't think you'd find this situation amusing at all. I certainly don't."

I instantly sobered at his words. This wasn't funny at all, he had threatened my family. It was one thing to threaten me, that I didn't care about, but nobody threatens the people I care about. Glaring at him I mustered up the best answer I could think of.

"Nothing sir, but I don't find this situation amusing either. I would like to know why I'm here so I can go back home."

His dark brown eyes burned into me. He made a small hmm sound and proceeded with whatever he was going to say

"you are the daughter of a thief are you not? Well I need you for a couple of things. the first being to track down your father, that man owes me a great deal and its time I collected. Second I need someone who is medically trained and has incentive to get the job done right."

These were not favors he was asking, these were orders he was giving. Well the joke is on him, I don't know where HE is. That no good could be dead for all I cared, matter of fact I hope he is. I simply stared at him raising an eyebrow waiting for his next words, this time I wasn't backing down when our gazes locked once more. When no more words were coming from him I decided to break the silence, but not our little stare down.

"Why do you need a medical person? I would have thought that you would already have resources to take care of any of your problems."

Without breaking eye contact he ordered the person holding me to take me to my patient. Hmm. Whatever. I was lead by the lackey out of the giant room and down to another hallway which lead to another hallway which lead to yet another which meant I was most definitely lost now. Great. Now how am I going to get out of here I thought?
Sorry that was so short but at least it's something.
Or don't.
See ya later

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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