"You're alive." He murmered under his breath before clearing his throat.

“Good observation, Jaz.” He mumbled, dusting off his pants.

“Uh, Jack? You gonna tell us who the hell she is?” Someone with blonde hair rudely said. I glared at him, walking up to him.

“Is that how you talk to him? Or do you want to repeat that sentence?” I asked dangerously. I was right in front of him and his friends were coming towards me.

“Come closer.” I dared them. They stopped in their tracks, sensing I could do things to them.

Bitch, who do you think you are? I’m 10 times as strong as a little girl.” Blondy snarled. I went to punch him, but Jack’s hand went around my fist, pulling me back.

“FireLeaves.” He got their attention, “Meet Jazmine Bluevine.” He said. All eyes were on me until everyone bowed their head in a sign of respect. Even Blondy.

“Rise.” I demanded. “I don’t want to be treated like royalty. I’m not special, okay? I’m just like you guys.” I said as Jack chuckled.

“Same old Jaz, not wanting to be the center of attention.” He mumbled. I smiled.

“So..” I said awkwardly.

“Let’s start this party!”

Xander’s POV:

I ran out of the house, wanting to find the love of my life. I had to find her, quick. I could kind of sense where people are, but this would be hard. She was more than a few miles away, I knew.

Derek? I mind linked with my brother.

What the hell do you want?

Where are you?

By the FireLeaves territory. But if you’re looking for Jazmine, she ran off into the woods. Don’t go near her. I’m not joking.

Yeah, yeah.

I ran away from our giant mansion and went to the FireLeaves new territory. I tried my hardest to run my fastest. Reaching the woods, I looked around.

“Jaz!” I called. Nothing. I ran through the woods in all directions. She could’ve been kidnapped! I eventually came acroos a big cabin. Taking my chances, I opened the door.

Jaz’s POV:

Everyone was talking and coming up to me to introduce themselves and shake my hand. Justin was smiling at me from across the room, I smiled back.

“Are you staying?” Jack asked from behind me. I frowned.

“I’m not sure.” He looked hurt. “I’s complicated. Let’s talk about it later.” I said as another guy came up to me, hugging me and telling me his name.

The door to the cabin bursts open. All the FireLeaves lift their weapon, getting ready to shoot and charge.

“STOP!” I screamed when I saw a glimpse of who it was.

“Jaz, what are you doing?” Jack whispered from behind me.

“I know what I’m doing.” I snapped. I walked to the door. When Xander saw me, he smiled. I didn’t smile back.

“Jaz.” He said pleadingly. The FireLeaves didn’t lower their weapons.

“What are you doing here? Come to bring me back?” I spat. His smile dropped and he looked hurt.


“Then what the hell are you doing here?! Can’t you except that I’m happy here? Without any of you?” I yelled angrily. He took my hands but I yanked them away, crossing them over my chest.

“I came to change your mind about me.” He said quietly.

“Well..go on.” I demanded. He looked at the floor.

“Can we go somewhere more private?” He asked.

“No, anything you need to say to me can be said in front of my family.” I said. He took a deep breath, lifting his head and looking into my eyes.

“I love you.” He said. I straightened and put my arms down. “And I didn’t mean anything I said before. You mean the world to me, and I would risk anything to be with you. Please, please take me back.” He begged. I blinked.

“I-“ I couldn’t finish what I was going to say. I turned and ran into the back room, behind all the guys, shutting the door.

“Come in.” I heard Jack say to Xander.

I Never Thought I'd End Up HereWhere stories live. Discover now