Chapter Thirty-One: THE END is only the Beginning...

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Chander agreed. "I will be king, Nathaniel and Emmanuel will be dukes or knights. And Michelle will be married to a prince, like Aunt Fran."

Emmanuel scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Who says you will be king?"

"I did," Chander spat. "You think you can challenge me? Ha, you hardly can touch me nor beat me in a race with your scrawny legs."

"Enough Chander! Right now no one will be king. Now eat your food," She ordered before picking up her fork. But soon interrupted when George burst through the doors with news.

"Uncle George!" The children yelled out in a exciting welcome.

"Children," he greeted as he stopped directly in front of Akia. "My queen, may we speak in private."

Akia looked at her children as they held curious looks before nodding her head and getting up out her seat to follow her brother in law out into the deserted hall. "Is something wrong George?"

George sighed as he nod his head yes. "It's Theo, he's here but-"

Akia's eyes widened. "But?"

"He is wounded. I wanted to tell you in private because of the children. He's getting stitched up in your chambers, I do not know if you want to see him or not, but he ask if you can bring the children along. It is your choice."

Akia looked towards the close door of the dining area and back to George. She nod her head. "I want to see him alone first."

George nod in understanding and walked towards the royal hall with Akia close behind. As Akia walk into her room, first she saw was bloody sheets on the floor, then the measter and finally her husband whom looked awful.

His skin was pale with tons of sweat on every inch of his body, his green eyes was dull with dark bags under them; making his eyes look like a raccoon's. Theo's hair stuck to his forehead as it was drenched and his body shook as he tried to fight off a fever. While his right leg holds the reason of this situation; a large and deep gash was shown on his right leg, swollen and red. It looked like he was about to go any second, but Akia did not want to believe that at all. She didn't even want to believe her husband was ill.

"I'm so glad to see you," Theo croak out as his Adam apple bobbed up and down while he turned his head to look at his wife. "Where's the children?"

Akia looked away from his gash to look at her husband's face. "Eating, I wanted to see you first."

Theo nod his head in understanding. "Right, I would of expected. As terrible as my father was towards us, I still wouldn't want to see him like...this."

Akia ease her way on the bed beside him, close enough to feel the heat radiating off his skin. "You're not a terrible father Theo." Akia stated.

He sighed as he stared back up at the stone ceiling, "I know, but Chander thinks I am."

"Like any other teenage boy, he's going through a phase. It'll go by quicker than you think. Trust me." Akia swipes back his drenched hair out of his face. "You should get your rest, so tomorrow you can feel, look and be better. Listen to the measter, he knows what he's doing." Akia slowly slips out of the bed. "I love you."

Theo turned his head towards his wife, with a strained smile on his face. "I love you too, my queen."


"Father is ill?" Chander questions as he paced back and forth in his sisters chambers. All of Akia's children was gathered in the average size space with concerned looks and questions about their father.

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