Niall's cold parts one and two- for larrybeiberdreams and Bouncerokoas

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"Do you want to take some Tylenol, Ni? And it's just about time for the next lot of cold and flu," Liam asked from the kitchen, already filling up a glass of water. Louis and Harry plopped into the arm chairs on either side of me, identical sympathetic looks on their faces.
"Yeah, okay," I replied and cleared my throat. It hurt like hell and something caught which made me rush to cover my mouth as I began coughing. I let out a low groan afterwards, please, please don't give me a cough to go with this all. 

Liam set the glass and the pills down on the coffee table, scanning me over. He placed a hand on my forehead before I knew what he was doing.
He sighed as I swallowed the first tablet with a wince, "you're warm Ni."
The painkiller didn't go down as smoothly and it had me coughing again forcefully, my whole body shaking.

"I'll get the cough medicine. . ." Louis volunteered quietly.
"No, I'm fine. It's just a tickle," I complained as he got up. Louis had gagged when he'd had to swallow this stuff a few months ago and I was not up to holding down my lunch.
Louis rolled his eyes, "bullshit."
I grunted and shot him a glare. 
"Don't look at me like like that Sickie, you'll be thanking me later."
He smirked as he retrieved the bottle from the top draw and brought it back with one of those little measuring cup things.

He waved it in front of my face playfully but I just shook my head, "nope."

"Come on Ni, for me?" He pleaded, and for a second I thought I was going to give in to those big eyes of his. I sneezed and wiped my nose before shaking my head again. I knew it was childish but I did not want that stuff anywhere near me and I was not going down without a fight. I resisted the urge to cough again. I was not proving his point.

"Pretty please? We'll do whatever you want afterwards! Any movie, snack, anything! Your choice! But you have to take this first. It's not even that bad," he tried.
I thought about his offer.
"Can we watch Spider-Man?" I asked, feeling like a five year old. Who cares.
"Yes." He nodded.
I huffed, "fine."

Louis poured the suggested amount into the cup before handing it to me. I stared at it distastefully, for the first time feeling glad that my nose was blocked. It was red and I just knew it was going to be awful.
"Drink it," Harry urged.
I gulped before pouring the lot of it into my mouth and swallowing harshly, wanting to get rid of it fast. It did not help. It tasted like someone had juiced a fish and added some sweetener. My throat closed, not wanting to let the liquid down.

Everyone's eyes were on me as I struggled to force it down. I picked up the glass and downed the rest of the water which thankfully got rid of the worst of the rancid taste. I screwed up my face in disgust and Louis burst out laughing.
"That is the most disgusting thing I have ever put in my mouth," I croaked, causing Louis to completely lose his shit. He laughed so hard tears spilled out of the corners of his eyes.

"Glad to be of your amusement Lou."

I couldn't help but smile a bit at his behaviour. The others joined in with him, his loud guffaws were contagious and even I was laughing, or choking, I'm not really sure, after a moment or so. Tears were running down his face and it was a good few minutes before he finally calmed down.
"That was the highlight of my day," he gasped out.

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies in the dark and Liam turned the light on just as the last one finished. I glanced at the clock. 3:00. We were due for sound check in half an hour.
"So. . .What are we going to do?" Liam broke the unsettling silence, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
"We're going to leave for the sound check in a few minutes," I answered. I had been thinking, it was better to go and at least be there than let down everyone and sulk here all by myself. The meds had kicked in and I was feeling a bit better, my ear wasn't pulsating quite as harshly and I wasn't feeling as heavy.

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