Start line

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I've been on the run for weeks now , getting caught with a duffel bag of drugs in a stolen car isn't exactly solvable over tea and cake  so I ran for it. I'd hitch hiked away from my hometown in Wisconsin all the way to Miami. With no where really to go I just wondered the streets . Quite by accident a came across and large crowd that was buzzing with life and filled with the sound of blasting hip,hop music. As I explored the crowed a very quickly became aware of all the amazing cars gathered among the people. Cars had been my passion since I was 13 ;I learnt to drive then too since I lived in the family farm. But racing cars that look and sound great are what really turns me on. With loud engines and perfect paint jobs. Soi was glad that o eased up here I was watching the cars line up as if they where gonna race when a man with a Afro came swaggering up to me and said " hey girl you can't be here, you not part of the race world here, this is a place for pros and race lovers not messy looking homeless girls." He waved his hands as he talked I I always wondered that if you tied his hands up would he be able to talk . " if this is a place for pros then I should fit right in street racings my thing man" he looked at my sceptically with a eye brow raised "loan my a car and I'll prove it " with that he laughed and pulled out a set of keys. " alright then, this next race is a driver down lets see what you got " .

He then pointed to a white Subaru with black lines and told me to buckle up and get ready. With out hesitation o did so . Driving was my skill my talent I had this covered. I pulled up to the line where two other cars where waiting. One I recognised as Sukies' she and I had raced before a few years ago but the other was unfamiliar. A gold car with a rather good looking driver his brilliantly blue eyes looked amazing with his dark skin. I knew races and knew that some body else would be racing with us. I heard a reave of an engine  and I hiss of air. 'Crap' I thought and I tossed my head back in the seat ' it's Brian ' .

The four of us now where all lined up and where raring our engines . Sukie and the guy with the great eyes where exchanging fighting talk I glanced over at brain and saw him starring straight at me shamelessly. Before I could say anything a woman in a tight leather dress walked into the middle of the track. She raised the flag , she looked at each driver and the reaved the engines in response then she dropped the flag and the cars all tore away leave black tire makes tattooed on the road. And with that the race was on......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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