Chapter 11

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You woke up, your body cold as ice. It was as if you were frozen to your bed, unable to move your limbs. Though with great difficulty, you were able to open your eyes, (e/c) orbs trying to focus on your surroundings. 

Flashbacks of when you were last conscious flooded your mind, mixed emotions burning inside your chest. You remembered hugs betrayal, and the mysterious form of a man or woman saving you before you slipped into blackness.

Who was it?

You desperately hoped it was Kylo, and judging by your surroundings you were inside the stardestroyer, but something felt ... Off.

A door to your right slid open, the familiar cloaked figure appearing from the corridor.

"Kylo? Kylo I have missed you so much!" You fought to bring yourself to a standing position, your body feeling strange as you propped yourself against the bed you were lying in. His helmet was in the crook in his arm, and a great sadness lurked in the dark brown irises of his eyes.

"(Y/n)..." His voice quavered, tears dangerously close to falling down his reddening cheeks.

"Kylo, it's me, please look at me." You stared at him, yet his gaze never met yours. It seemed as he was looking through you rather than at you.

"God, I am so sorry, (y/n). I should have kept you safe, kept you close." His voice broke, and tears fell down his distorted face. He was breaking down.

You tried to walk towards him, but you were unable to balance yourself, so you watched hopelessly as he tried to regain his composure.

"Kylo, please, look at me! I'm right here! I'm fine, I'm with you now and everything will be alright." Kylo looked up, and dropped his helmet. His eyes still seemed to avert your gaze. He walked toward and you stretched out your hand.

Kylo looked behind you, and you reached for him, but the sight of your hand startled you. He walked straight through the blue mist that made up your hand, making you shiver. 

Fear gripped you as you slowly turned around, dreading what may lie before you. It was your body, covered in bruises and burns, your skin pale and cold as death. 

You felt yourself shatter, fall straight towards oblivion. You were dead, but how can that be? How could you have died but still be here? 

This was insane, but your eye caught something else, something that was somehow familiar. It was on other whispy blue figure- a man. He stared at Kylo with a saddening look in his eyes. Then, he turned to you.

Anakin Skywalker. 

A/N- ... This was your life with Ben solo, short but meaningful. I hope you enjoyed this story, and I'm sorry if I made you cry... But this is the end. 

Kylo Ren-- dark turns to lightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora