We hadn't left the forest yet, but the trees were thinning out when I heard a horse behind us. The horse was running quickly, it's hoofbeats were loud on the ground, and occasionally a branch would snap underfoot.
I turned around to see where it was, but it was still out of sight. I softly called Elspeth to my side and held her mane. If she got startled and took off, I wouldn't be able to find her in such a large forest.

I waited as the horse got louder and closer, and as it did, I also heard a voice with it. It sounded like whoever was on the horse was running away from something, or someone. It was a man's voice, and it seemed rather familiar. It wasn't until the horse ran into view that I realized who's voice it was.

It was Kit, who seemed just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. He drew his horse to a stop by Elspeth once he looked around him.
"Mister Kit!" I exclaimed in pleasant surprise. "Are you running from something?"
I took in his face that was flushed with excitement and his horse's labored breathing. He smiled kindly, his blue eyes smiling as well.
"My lady, I fancy seeing you again!"
I blushed at his words, hoping he wouldn't notice. "And yes, I'm afraid that I might be in some trouble with my father, maybe someone else as well."
"Oh, how terrible. Are you alright?" I asked, frowning a little. Kit laughed and looked up at the birds in the trees.
"I am quite alright my lady, it is nothing to worry about. Although..." He trailed off as he turned to look behind him. I followed his line of sight and saw no one.
"They might be soon following. And I have no intention of going back just yet." He shot me a mischievous smile and I laughed.
"Then you must hurry." I told him. Kit smiled at me.
"I'm afraid I must. When I said I wished to see you again, I had thought our meeting would last a little longer."
"Then we must find another time, mustn't we?"

I was surprised at my own words, usually I wasn't so forward with people, especially a man. But Kit just smiled and nodded at me.
"Yes, we must. What about in three days time, around noon? I'm sure my father won't let me out of his sight for a few days after he catches me."
I laughed as Kit turned around to glance behind him again. Still, no one was in sight.
"In three days." I agreed. "Until then, I wish you luck with your father, Mister Kit."
Kit nodded at me and picked up the reins of his horse. "My lady, you must tell me your name."

I opened my mouth to give a reply when I was cut off by men shouting behind us. Kit turned and saw horses in the distance, closing in on us. He turned back to me and I could see the excitement in his blue eyes.
"You must promise to tell me in three days."
I nodded in agreement. "I promise. But you must hurry, or they'll catch you!"
Kit laughed and spared one more glance behind him.
"They won't catch me unless I let them. I have the fastest horse in the kingdom."

And then he was off, galloping away with such speed that I almost didn't see him go. I laughed at the thought of him purposefully taking the fastest horse so he didn't have to back until he wanted to. My smile slowly faded as the men on horses rapidly came closer. I took Elspeth and pulled her off the main path we had been on, hoping the men looking for Kit wouldn't notice me.
Unfortunately, I was wrong. The men did notice me, but they weren't just ordinary men.
It was the Royal guard.

I gasped in surprise as the reined their horses to a stop by me. A middle-aged man was leading them, and he wasn't at all happy.
"You there, girl!" He shouted, making me turn to face him. I curtsied politely and looked up at him. He had an air of authority, so I guessed he was maybe the Duke or one of the King's trusted men. Behind him was another man on a horse, but I recognized him.
He was the one from the hunting party, the Captain of the Guard. His face seemed to be permanently etched into a small smile, as if he knew something everyone else didn't. I silently prayed that he didn't recognize me from the first time I had met Kit.

"Yes, sir?" I asked the man. I tried to ignore the wild beating of my heart, but it was rather hard.
"I am the Grand Duke of this land, you will address me as so!" The man snapped at me. I nodded and curtsied again. He was in a worse mood then I had thought.
"Yes, Lord, forgive me. I did not know."
The Duke was silent for a moment, staring down at me through narrow eyes. Then he looked back up the way Kit had gone.
"We are looking for a young man who may have passed by here recently. Have you seen him?"
I hesitated before replying.
Should I lie to him?
I had never lied to royalty before, perhaps he would see my lie and become even more angry.

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