Chapter 6: Friends, Love and Jealousy ?

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Mackenzie's pov
Play the song Skinny Love from above ⬆
It was Michelle, Sarah, Dylan and Cameron. I ran over and hugged them. "I've missed you guys so much! "I say. "We missed you too " Michelle said. "What are you guys doing here! Don't you have school tomorrow " I say. "We got out early for the summer. You get out in two weeks " Sarah said. ". "Awesome" I say smiling. "Hi beautiful " Cameron says walking over to me. "Hi Cameron " I say smiling. I hug him. He kisses my cheek. "Aww" I hear my friends say. "How was your flight " I asked. "It was okay " he says. "Hey isn't there a Carnival tonight " I say to my mom. "Yep sweetie " she said. "Let's go then " Dylan said. "Alright" I say. Everyone gets ready and I change into a new outfit. I picked out a cute shirt that was red checkered and white shorts. I even put a pink bow in my hair and painted my nails white. After we're all ready we leave. I go to Hunter's house and invite him along with us. I introduced him to my friends and he talked to all of my friends. Cam even started joining in. Cam intertwined his hand with mine as we walked. I swear I could feel a glare on us, but I couldn't find anyone staring. We arrived at the fair. "Who wants to go on what first?" I asked after getting our wristbands. "I want to go on the Zipper" Sarah and Hunter said in sync with each other. They ran over to the ride and got into the ride. "I'm not going on that " I mumbled as I watched the ride start. "I am going to play a few Carnival games " Michelle said. "Me too " Dylan said following her. They took off. "Guess it's just you and me huh " I say to Cameron. "Yeah I guess so " he says smiling. We decided to play a few of the Carnival games. Cam won me a huge stuffed bear. "I'll name it Camzie ." I say hugging the bear. He laughs at the name I gave it. We then head over to the Ferris wheel. Cam talked to the guy working at the Ferris wheel. I was terribly afraid of heights. We get on. We went around twice before the ride stopped at the top. The view was beautiful. "Hey Mackenzie " Cam said. "Yeah Cam " I say looking at him. " Do you remember the first day we met " he said smirking. "How could I forget " I say remembering the day we met.

Flashback to 4 years ago (they were 10 )

I was playing the Sims 4 on Michelle's computer. We were talking about a boy I liked, that I created on the Sims. Just then there was a knock on Michelle's front door. "I got it " her mom called. I heard the front door open and close. "Michelle! Somebody is here to see you " her mom said walking in. Michelle got up and walked out. She came back in 13 minutes later with a boy, about my age, with black glasses, a superman shirt,and jeans. He was super cute. "Mackenzie this is Cameron. One of my friends " she said. I stood up and walked over to him. "Nice to meet you Mackenzie " he said smiling. "Nice to meet you too " I say extending my hand. He shook it. I already knew we were going to be good friends

Flashback ends

"I'm so glad I met you " I say hugging him. "I'm glad I met you too " he said smiling. He then lifted my chin to face him. He leaned in and placed his soft lips onto mine. It was my first kiss. He pulled away. "Mackenzie will you be my girlfriend ?" he asked pulling out a small box. He opened it and it was a necklace with the eternity symbol on it (pic below with outfit) . It had the word forever written on it. "Yes I will Cameron " I say smiling. He smiled and kissed me more passionately than than the first time. He pulled away and put the necklace on me. We reached the end of the ride. Cameron was carrying me bridal style out in front of everyone. Michelle and Sarah ran over. "We saw the whole thing " Michelle said hugging me. "I can't believe you two are dating now " Sarah squealed. Cameron kissed me again. I was so glad I had him. But what about Hunter. Dylan saw Cameron kiss me. He was talking with Hunter. His mouth dropped open. Hunter turned around and saw. He looked really pissed. Was he jealous? I didn't want him to be jealous. I will admit I still have strong feelings for Hunter, but I will put them aside since I'm with Cameron. He stormed off. "I'll get him " Michelle said. She ran after Hunter. I saw them talk. I then got a text. It was from Anna

The Bitch 😡~ How dare you steal my man you slut. And after everything I have done for you! I can't believe I called you a friend. You're gonna pay for taking Cameron away

Tears stung my eyes reading this. Cam took my phone and read what she said. He got angry so quick. He texted something to her and gave me back my phone. I read the text

Me- Mackenzie was there for me Anna. You used me. I loved you and you didn't care. I moved on. I don't want you talking to my girlfriend ever again

I looked up at Cam. "No one calls my baby girl a slut " he says kissing my forehead. We all walk home. Hunter decided to run home. I didn't want any trouble. I was messing around with Cam on our way home. We soon arrived at my house. I saw Hunter watch us from his window. He had tears streaming down his face. Seeing him cry was heartbreaking. "Go on inside I'll be right back " I tell the group. They all nod. But Cam decides to wait for me. I ran over to Hunter's house. Hunter opened it. "You oka-" was all I could say before he smashed his lips onto mine. Fireworks went off. I pulled away quickly. "Hunter. I'm dating Cam " I say. I heard Cam run over. Hunter looked pissed. He ran over. Cam threw the first punch. He hit Hunter hard in the face. "Stop! " I yell running over to them. They were punching the shit out of each other. I went over to Hunter and tried to pull him away. But I then felt a pain hit the side of my face. I fell backwards. I held the place where I got hit. It was my eye. Cam ran over. I looked up at Hunter. He threw the punch that hit me. I saw sadness and regret in his eyes. He ran. "Hunter! " I called getting up. I couldn't keep up and ended up falling. Cam ran over and helped me back into the house. I didn't want this to happen.

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