Author's Note

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Hey guys! So this is a chapter explaining things that I do with this book. And Other Stuff I have to tell you. So If You know all this, just skip reading this .

1.  I dedicate things to people who vote, comment, message, or follow me. You don't have to do ALL of this. Just one. Or you don't have to at ALL. Just saying.                                                                                                                                                           

2. Sometimes, I might miss your vote or comment but, I do go back at the end of the month and see everyone who commented or followed me. But if you don't see your name, then please, just remember that I only do the dedicating because I feel as if I need to give back.

3. You don't have to comment bad things if you don't like my book. There is a simple answer, STOP READING.

4. I am going to start another book. I will still update this book. If you have any ideas, talk to me people. I'm hear to listen.

5.If you're awesome, don't stop! Plus if you have anything to ask post it on my feed. If it's in my books, then I most likely won't see it. 

6. Don't expect me to follow you back. I follow some people. No promises. 

7. The book's in my reading list are NOT my books, but I'm glad you like them. :)

8. Message me if you have any questions :D



1. Mr. Writer                           

He wrote an awesome book called, Dear Diary, which is awesome!

2. NeonLights1404 

She wrote 2 great books, The Day I Died, and she also wrote, Living Barbie, those are the best! 

3. Sokka321

She wrote a dork diaries book, a book called, I GUESS I GOT KIDNAPPED. 

\\ Go to my reading list if you can't find these books! \\


So that is all I had to say and thank you guys for ur support. Anyway thank you again and keep on reading!


EDITED: 10/16/16

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