12: Beyond the Veil

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We got off the Thestrals and entered a red telephone box. It led us down to the Ministry of Magic and gave us all badges. Mine said:


When the door burst open, we charged past security and to the lifts. Harry pressed the number nine button and a voice announced we had arrived at the Department of Mysteries. He tried to get some people to stay as lookouts but nobody would. Everyone was determined to do what was necessary, we weren't splitting up. We entered a large circular room full of identical, unmarked, black doors.

'Which door?' asked Nico, but just then all of the doors began to spin.

We no longer knew which door we had come out of. We stared for a few seconds, not sure how to react. We were completely lost and we needed to think fast or Sirius was going to be dead before we got out of the first room.

'Just choose one! When we've been through it, mark it off and we'll know which ones we've tried!' I suggested, growing more anxious by the second.

'Good idea!' Josh said.

It took us a few tries to get the right door but we didn't stay in any rooms for long. There was no time to waste. We walked through rows and rows of crystal balls until we got to row ninety-seven, the row that my dad was meant to be in. Row ninety-seven ringed a bell, I just couldn't pinpoint what it was.

We got to the row and looked around. There was no sign of Sirius.

'Harry... I don't think Voldemort has my dad...' I whispered, looking around. Realisation dawned on me, we had been tricked. Or Harry had, at least. Thinking about it rationally, everything about it screamed trap. I had been so blind, I only thought about saving my dad, not about how suspicious it all was.

'He has to! I had a vision!' Harry cried.

I walked away to have a look around, just to make sure Harry didn't have the wrong row. I was certain he was wrong, but I wanted to be safe. If I was the one who discounted what Harry said and made everyone leave only to discover my dad had been killed, I wouldn't have been able to cope. Josh and Nico joined me and we noticed a figure ahead.

'Dad?' I asked, my voice careful.

The figure turned around suddenly and pointed their wand at us. My eyes widened, that definitely was not my father. I barely had time to react, grabbing both Nico and Josh by their shirt collars.

'RUN!' I yelled as the Killing Curse headed straight for us. I ducked my head, the green light barely missed me. I didn't stop to be relieved though, I knew more would be heading straight for us.

The crystal balls, which were people's prophecies, smashed all around us. We tried our hardest to avoid the falling glass but I was covered in small cuts already. We were breathing heavily, running out of stamina because of how fast we were sprinting. We couldn't stop now, we needed to get to safety before we had a chance to rest.

'QUICKLY!' yelled Nico as I turned round to hit the person with a stunning spell. He had grabbed my arm and was dragging me along, scared I'd get hit by the green light that seemed to be getting dangerously close.

Another figure wearing a weird mask appeared in front of us. Realisation struck me, we were in deep trouble. I sent a curse towards him but he blocked it easily. Acting without thinking, I sent curse after curse until he couldn't keep up anymore. He went flying and I turned to Nico and Josh, eyes wide.

'Death Eaters,' I growled, 'Run, quickly! I have an idea!'

We ran away from the approaching Death Eaters, heading in the complete opposite direction. Once we had lost them, we stopped, gasping for breath. My brain was going at a million miles per hour, we were in a right mess and needed a way out. I was suddenly struck with inspiration, it was a stupid idea, but it could work.

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