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Video above - One Direction sings gay anthem Forever Young

Special thanks to @Nicky-Is-Crazy for her inspiration for Trenton's 'entertainment'.


"Youth is like diamonds in the sun, and diamonds are forever"

On our way back to the campfire we saw Danny walking toward us, a pensive look on his face. His eyebrows were scrunched and he was frowning, and when he saw us come out of the woods he smiled but it didn't completely go up to his eyes and smooth out his brow.

"Where ya goin', dude?" I asked him.

"Just to take a leak." His smile got a little broader. "You guys want to help?"

"We'd love to," I told him, "but Carey needs food. He's a little too wasted and we gotta do something about it."

He looked at Carey and shook his head. "You don't need that shit, dumbo. Dino's been wanting to bop both you and Braden on the heads all night."

"I know. I know!" Carey said. "Thass the end of it. Johnny straightened me out. Can't take it anyway. This is shit feelin' like this."

"Good." Danny punched Carey lightly on the shoulder. "You've got too much to look forward to. Don't mess it all up."

"You okay, Danny?" I asked. "You and Dino? Everything going all right?" He just didn't look his usual self. I wondered maybe he'd had too much to drink himself. He'd been sort of quiet all night.

"Yah, everything's cool, Johnny. I ... aww ... fuck! I'm just bugged. My dog disappeared a couple days ago and hasn't shown up. Guess I'm just worried about her."

"You mean Pip? Jeez, she's such a cutie. I hope she's okay."

We all kidded Danny because of his little white poodle who wore ribbons in her hair and looked like the ones owned by little old ladies. His mom and dad brought the dog to football games so she could watch Danny play. She was Danny's dog, not theirs. The team considered Pip our mascot.

He sighed. "I don't get it. She never runs away. She was out in the yard just playing as usual, and then she was gone. I looked all over the neighborhood but couldn't find a trace of her."

"Did'ja check at the police station?" Carey asked. "They have cages there and keep dogs and cats they pick up around town."

Danny nodded. "Yah, I've been everywhere. Put up some fliers too. Guess I'll just have to wait and see if she shows up."

I grabbed his shoulder and gave him a supportive shake. "She'll show up. She probably just wandered off and got lost, maybe up on the hills by your house. She'll be all right. Those little dogs are as tough as wolves."

I'd never had a dog myself at Uncle Ted's, but I knew how much people loved them. Just having Colt over for a few says made me really miss him after we took him back home. We both gave Danny a hug and then let him go pee before his bladder burst, then headed back to the boys.

The boombox was turned off and Harry was strumming on his guitar and singing one of those heartbreak love ballads sung by the endless parade of cute boy singers with high tenor voices. But Harry's voice wasn't quite that high and he sounded really good, and the dudes were all dreamy-eyed as they lolled about. Except for Braden, of course, who was glaring at me.

I paid no attention to him and pulled Carey over to the picnic table with the food and we started munching on the pizza and wings. I wasn't hungry but I figured he'd eat more if I ate along with him. Trenton had returned in fresh clothes, another worn t-shirt and black baggy shorts, and he'd plopped himself on the picnic table between Jason and Ernie, who both had an arm flung around him.

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