Suddenly she popped up beside him, sitting cross legged and giggling.
"Oh hello there! Welcome to my humble abode."
Toby said gesturing around the tent which was now beginning to slightly suffocate him.
"Thanks, can't stay for tea though I'm afraid."
Adelaide played along, lifting the tent material with her hands to give both of them more room.
"Oh that's a shame, I would show you the door but I'm not sure where it is.." Toby confessed, shrugging his shoulders and pretending to sip an invisible cup of tea.
They both burst out laughing.
"Toby you're so silly, you only had to lift the tent off you I mean you're a full grown man."
Adelaide said, disappearing from the tent and reappearing outside again, breathing in the fresh air.
"What?!" Toby yelled from inside, frantically searching about from within the tent to see how Adelaide got out of it.
"What the hell, how did you do that?"

Adelaide was literally on the floor laughing beside her unlit fire.

"No Adelaide seriously!" He yelled beginning to panic and get upset.
Adelaide really could not stop laughing but she staggered to her feet and lifted the tent off him, revealing a stressed, static haired Toby Regbo squinting up at Adelaide.

"It wasn't funny." Toby repeated for the fifth time as they sat by the crackling fire in the dark.
Both of their faces were dimly lit up but the embers before them and the tents were just to the side, set up by both Adelaide and Toby since Toby seemed to need a little bit of help.
"I wish I'd filmed it."
Adelaide admitted, turning her skewer around to roast the marshmallow on the other side.

It was extremely dark in the forest now, the only light came from the moon, stars and the fire before them.
If you gazed into the distance you would soon realise you couldn't see any of it; it was all enveloped in darkness.
Adelaide felt quite vulnerable but Toby had insisted that there were no bears in England.

The near by river trickled quietly in the background, harmonising with the crackling fire before them.
It gave off quite a bit of heat but Toby could still see Adelaide was shivering.
He popped into his tent and got his spare fabric blanket and came back outside again.
He watched Adelaide quietly, seeing her so fascinated in the flames of the fire.
So lost in her own world.
He smiled to himself.

"RAAA!" He roared as he jumped behind her, throwing the blanket around her shoulders.
Adelaide screamed, she had thought he was a bear.
"Are you alright baby girl?"
Toby asked teasingly, leaning over her with his hands still on her shoulders and the blanket.
"Oh I was right, you are an ugly bear attacking me."
She replied pretending to be angered but she was really quite embarrassed.

She looked back at the fire and started a new marshmallow skewer since the last one she had held fell on the floor during the 'attack'.
"I think I'm quite a dashing bear to be honest."
Toby said, sitting himself beside her and playing about with some sticks and string.

"What are you doing?" Adelaide asked, seeing him weaving something in his fingers.
"Meh, you'll see."
He replied, revealing nothing and only looking up at her once to show a cheeky grin.
He structured the sticks he had into a small circle and bound them together with the string, continuing to wrap the string around the circle of sticks.
Adelaide watched him intently, he was so focused on his little project.
The way the fire lit different parts of his body up and flickered, changing the darkness into a dim, yellow light.
The way darkness was there in the first place..

If she was honest, Adelaide was quite scared.
They were out in open woods on the side of a mountain and if anything attacked them then there would be no help.
She pulled the blanket tighter around her.
It scared her that she could not see more than a few metres in every direction, that something could be watching her and she would never know.
Even as she slept..

A Tobelaide tale!Where stories live. Discover now