Where to begin

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Chapter 2

To see one self in a place unimaginable.

Is experience a pleasure that is usually unfed.

Risking all for a taste of such sweet nectar.

Looking thru blinded eyes as the world slow twirls.

Will the Gods allow such bliss to take place?

Or shall the Devil's demons rise up and take hold?

Who will stand between temptation?

Is it worth the pain that could gather up and rip the very fabric of one's being?

Could you only live with half a soul?

Forever to be incomplete with no way to fill such void.

Take walk and enjoy the breeze or beware hell's company.

Finally reaching the edge of town I felt the growing tension getting more taunting the closer we drew near to the portal. Seemed things were going about as any other day though something in the back of my mind told me otherwise. It wanted me to run and get the hell out of here. Yet, something also said I needed to get to the portal as quickly as I could without drawing to much attention to myself. I quickened my pace to a power walk and hoped my fear didn't show on my face. I noticed Kenya was almost in a sprint seemingly growing more paranoid the closer we got. The look on her face read many things and none of them seemed to pin point as to what maybe taken place. Worry, sadness, and horror were flashing thru her hazel eyes. Finally, I give in and make a mad dash for the portal like a bat out of hell. I didn't bother looking back because I could here the thud of Kenya as she also ran as if her life was the one in danger. I just prayed Gram was not in the crossfire.

Finally reaching with portal after what felt like an eternity. I noticed how there seemed to be a lot of others waiting here also. Then I saw it, this couldn't be happening there was no way all this could be real. Slowly people began to turn an look our way. I got an eye full of what was laying just yards in front of me. At first it looked like just a pile of freshly ground meet. Upon further inspection I started seeing the medallions and beautiful rings glittered on the ground next to it. Pieces of cloth lay savagely ripped and scattered everywhere.

Slowly the realization of what I was looking at when my older sister let out a blood curtailing scream. Time had stopped there on the ground lay a heap of flesh that was my Grams. How could this be, how could someone over power the most powerful Voodoo Queen? Yes my Gram's was, is the queen or high priestess. Queen Eroza, to me she was just Gram's. Now here she lay in a mass of rotting flesh and intestines. Who ever did this took their time.

Pain surged thru me as I thought about how her last days or moments had past by. She had been called away for Society reasons. She had only taken one bodyguard with her because the hunters would also be at this meeting. We only knew when the meeting was being held so we would know when she was coming home. The meeting was supposed to be yesterday and she wasn't to arrive until late this afternoon it was barely eleven o'clock. Which means something went horribly wrong. Who would do this to her? We had no enemies or other creatures out for us. We did not practice the dark parts of Voodoo.

My Grams committed herself to helping others not tearing them down. That is the reason I could still feel the power radiating off her body. Someone had tried to still her powers and already skinned her. In the process though I knew that Grams has a way of protecting her power. The thing is with our family our powers are protected by an enchantment. When it is our time to pass we can either give it to the spirit world or to other living relatives of direct decent. Apparently my Gram's had made her choice.

Silent Ones        Voodoo PriestessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant