Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Once proofreading is happening here. Sorry. Enjoy.

A Few Days Later

"I like plane rides," Karlie says, staring out the window as the plane begins its descent towards a much snowier ground than it left from.

"Has the verdict been out for that long?" Taylor asks in surprise. "Is this the...fifth plane ride of yours now?"

"Yeah," Karlie replies, her eyes still glued to the ground below.

Taylor smiles and leans in to rest her chin on Karlie's shoulder to watch the plane fly closer and closer to the ground. There's a small smile on Karlie's face now that Taylor is so near to her, but her attention still doesn't leave the window. Taylor has long since lost the novelty of plane rides, but being with Karlie gives her enough incentive to look out the window to try and enjoy it again too.

Their last couple of days has been filled with lots of changes, good changes in Taylor's opinion. She couldn't get enough of Karlie, it has been weeks of wanting her, months even if she counts when they first met, and now she felt like she finally had her. When she had an urge to kiss her, she could do just that, and Karlie always seemed to be ready to meet her lips halfway. Sometimes, with the way Karlie kissed her, she got to think that Karlie may have wanted this as bad as Taylor did all along. It has made for a very interesting couple of days.

When the plane touches down on the ground, Karlie turns back to look at Taylor, her pupils small and green reflective eyes extra large from having been staring out at the bright reflective snow all over the ground. She looks excited to have finally arrived, but her eyes give her away more than her smile guarded smile.

Taylor lightly kisses her lips quickly, mostly just because she can. It was still something that she was happy to not be used to just yet. "I want to tell you something," Taylor says, resting her elbow on Karlie's shoulder and then her head on her own arm, as Karlie unbuckles her seatbelt.

"What?" Karlie asks, pausing from her activity to look at Taylor expectantly.

"I know what I said before...when I first thought of coming here. But I don't have any expectations for our time here, okay? Whatever happens, happens. If nothing happens that's totally fine," Taylor says.

"Okay," Karlie says quietly as she stands up from her seat, stretching her long arms over her head.

Taylor considered their first kiss to be the one they shared a few nights ago, and it was also a reminder to her that she didn't know everything about Karlie. The announcement of her inexperience had been shocking of course, but what affected Taylor the most was how easily she had misinterpreted Karlie's nervousness for something else completely when caught in the heat of the moment. Of course Karlie had been nervous, her voice had sounded all wrong, her body usually a different kind of tense than it should have been. Taylor just hadn't realized it at the time. But within the last couple of days, she's gotten better at reading her. She's gotten quite a lot of practice. They haven't been able to keep their hands off of each other, but Taylor knew when to stop now, she knew when to slow down, even if it did kill her to.

When Taylor and Karlie leave the airplane, Taylor has to squint her eyes as the bright white snow plowed to the side of the small private runway reflects even brighter white sunlight into her eyes. She raises a hand to shield her face, saying, "At least there's still a lot of snow. Even in March."

"It's freezing," Karlie says, and she doesn't wait for Taylor long before rushing to the rental SUV awaiting for them.

Security packs their bags into the back of the vehicle, while Taylor and Karlie sit in the backseat, huddled next to each other as they wait to begin their drive through Maine.

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