Chapter Six

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Author's Note: This was less proofread than usual, as in I did not read it over a single time so I hope there aren't any really embarrassing mistakes... Just a warning.

One Month Later

"You've been quiet lately," the queen says without looking at Karlie.

Both of them sit at the gravely empty dining room table, each of their meals untouched.

Karlie shrugs one shoulder as she stares at her plate of food with puffy and dry eyes. She hasn't slept well in a month. Complete sleep deprivation takes a larger toll on one than Karlie ever realized. She felt clumsier in her step, she struggled paying attention to her different books and movies, and she generally felt weaker. She knew she looked exhausted.

The queen says quietly, "If you aren't dealing with this well...there are people you can talk to. There are doctors—"

Karlie shakes her head and sits up straighter in her chair and picks up the fork, determined to eat at least a few bites. Maybe if she had more sleep she'd have the energy to fight her grandmother tooth and nail at such a suggestion, but Karlie is worn out now. Instead she'll just appease the queen, give the appearance of healthy living. Maybe she'll even eat her vegetables.

"It's hard for all of us," the queen says.

Karlie wonders if this is her attempt to offer comfort, but it's about a month too late. Karlie has done her best to push her brothers far away from thought for the last few weeks.

"I'm fine," Karlie grunts.

Her grandmother softly sighs but then drops the subject, staring at her own meal in silence. After a few moments, she quietly speaks again, "We'll have to start having guests again soon."

"Why?" Karlie asks dully.

"Because life has to go forward. You have the men and women who will be hopefully by your side throughout the length of your reign. Your brother James had begun creating great relationships with—"

"Can't that wait?" Karlie asks, dropping her fork with a clatter on the plate.

"It can't wait forever," she says. She doesn't sound any more excited than Karlie is about it. "And...Alice has reached out. She'd like to meet with you, perhaps, if—"


"Your brother's fiance."

Karlie takes a deep breath and shakes her head. The girl means nothing to her.

"I imagine she's in just as much pain as you are, Eliz—"

"Considering I've known him my whole life, I doubt that. And if she thinks that, then I know we won't get along anyway," Karlie says, as she stands from her chair.

She can't leave without her grandmother getting in another word however, saying, "I'm going to begin scheduling luncheons and dinners. I'll give you a few more weeks to ready yourself, but life must go on."

Karlie doesn't acknowledge that she's heard her, but her stomach sinks even lower than it's been feeling as she leaves the room.


Karlie is feeling particularly reckless tonight, as she haphazardly pushes different objects aside in her bedroom, tossing dirty clothes around, searching for her cell phone. She can't even remember the last time she's had it. It doesn't matter anyway. There's literally no one now who would need to get in touch with her who isn't within the walls of the palace.

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