Chapter Nine

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A/N: I'm sorry, it's not proofread at all. I just wanted to get it uploaded!! Thanks for reading :)

Taylor feels less annoyed with the paparazzi now than she has in about two weeks, as she manages to mostly ignore the camera lenses trained on her from outside the glass window of the large Barnes&Noble. She could have had an assistant or even a member of her security come and purchase the books for her, but she enjoyed being able to do a favor for Karlie. She took her time.

She strolled through the different aisles of shelves, looking around at all the books, thinking to herself that she should have had Karlie come along with her. She definitely would have liked this. But then again, the paparazzi... They loved calling out to Taylor about the princess. Taylor pauses behind an aisle out of view of the windows to glance down at the list she's holding. The two security guards she brought into the store are holding about half a dozen books each, and Taylor is balancing a little less than that against her waist as she continues browsing. Taylor has already found all of the books on Karlie's list, and there was some sort of common theme throughout them all. None of them struck her as particularly happy books. Even the nonfiction books she chose seemed to involve some sort of real life tragedy of some degree. Taylor has collected an odd assortment of crime novels, mysteries, action and adventure, science fiction, even a horror, a biography, some historical fiction, some actual history. Of course they weren't all necessarily depressing, but they definitely weren't written with a lighter mood in mind. For that reason, Taylor decides to take it upon herself to find a few extra books for Karlie to give a try. She figures a few easier young adult reads couldn't hurt the princess, maybe even a few romance novels (but Taylor knew that they probably can't be over the top ones).

An hour manages to pass by and Taylor finds herself surprised at how easy it is to get so lost in a bookstore. Just as she is about to decide to wrap it up, she spots a smaller aisle of the store labeled 'self help.' There's a frown on Taylor's face as she slowly walks over. She tilts her head to the side as she takes the time to read the spine of each and every book, scanning plenty of books about grief. There were books about dealing with the grief from the death of a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, a friend, even a pet. Just by reading the titles of the book alone, Taylor realizes that there are many different types and stages of grief, and she has no idea what book within this selection would even be specific enough to help Karlie. That is, if she would even read it. Then Taylor finds a smaller section, specific to people dealing with grieving loved ones. There are books on how to help your parents, your children, or your friends grieve, and maybe even heal.

Taylor sighs, staring at the vast selection before her. It's worth a shot. Taylor takes out a few books that seem as general as possible, some for her as well as Karlie. She has no idea how the princess will react to these books, but there's no reason to not at least buy them. Just when she thinks her shopping is done, on her way to the register she passes by a smaller table, exhibiting books that have everything and anything to do with the royal family. Taylor doesn't know whether to laugh, roll her eyes, or feel sick. Ever since the deaths of Karlie's brothers, there's been an increase of fascination for the family. People almost seemed to enjoy learning about the tragedy of Karlie's mother and now her brothers. And of course, there was profit to be made from that.

But then Taylor is face to face with Karlie's mother, Princess Emily. Even though blonde with blue eyes, the resemblance between her and Karlie is striking. They have the same height and shape, along with the same sharp bone structure. Except her mother is smiling on the cover, a huge smile. Taylor hasn't seen too much of Karlie's unrestrained smile, but something tells her it's familiar enough to her to be the same smile as well. It's a biography, so Emily didn't write it, but it is an authorized biography. Taylor picks it up and examines the front and back cover, seeing that it was published when Karlie was four years old. It was a New York Times bestseller in its heyday, mostly because of how captivated most people were by Emily. An American self made philanthropist, from the middle class midwest, marrying in British royalty was something people could get behind. She was normal, she was relatable, and she was beautiful. Of course the book was a success.

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