my guardian angel #1

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My Guardian Angel

This is the first time we've to the river since Ella died.

The summer it's almost over and we all wanted to have a little fun before going back to school.

Finn, Felix and Frankie are jumping of the rocks making cannon balls. Farah, Felicity, and I (yes, we all have names starting with the letter F, my family did the name thing) are sitting under the tree trying to find a radio station to listen.

"I can believe nobody brought any music." Said Felicity then she took off her flip-flops and did a cannon ball that splash to where we were.

We all scream and started running and we all jump making a big splash. Everyone is laughing and jumping in. we all love this place.

You can see the water is coming down the mountain in a big waterfall and right under it is a big pool in a deep blue color.

just bellow that, there are many little waterfalls with their own little pool at the end of it.

We're at one of the little ones because none of us are really brave enough to jump from the big waterfall (at least I am).

The best of all, nobody ever comes here.

"I'm bored, let's go" said Farah starting to get out of the water.

"No man we just got here"

"Besides there's nobody waiting for us" said Frankie and everyone eyes dropped.

"That is not true; our parents will be home soon"

"Yea right, like they care"

"ok will you guys just shut up, we still have time before they come, so let's do something" said Felix like always keeping the peace between us. "Oh!!! I know lets jump from the big one!!!" said Felicity jumping on the rocks as she made her way to the top.

"Oh no, we won't!!" I said like the little baby that I am.

"What?! Are you scared!!!" said Frankie and everyone laugh

"No!! I'm not scared" yes I am...

"Well the let's do it" they all said and started climbing up the rocks to the top of the river. I was the last one, it's not that I'm scared is that it is so deep and I'm not a very good swimmer.

Farah was waiting for me "hey you don't have to do it". She was the nicest of all my cousins. She is my same age but looks a lot older she has chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. She is shorter than I am but with a beautiful curvy body, unlike me.

"Yes she does, unless she want me to call Jason and tell him to come and jump with her" yelled Frankie taking out his cell phone and started to call him. I just give him a look like if could kill him I would. "DO NOT DO IT; he will ruin a perfectly good day with his stupidity" I said trying to sound normal because I know he will call him and he will come and I'm not in the mood for him.

"What's the big deal Fey, he is really hot." said Farah, trying to hide a smile. I just kept on waking. I didn't wanted to start talking about him, he is just an asshole who thinks that everyone belongs to him, and in Farah's, and Felicity's case it is true.

Jason is really good looking asshole, the kind that with a simple wink of his beautiful bluish green eyes can make you do whatever he wanted. He also had spiky blond hair and a great body to go with it. He always wears white shirts and blue jeans, I don't know why but they all like it. I am the only one who's not been with him, not like he hasn't tried.

When I made it to the top, they all had already jumped and were swimming to the edge. I stood there waiting for the courage to come,

it never came.

After about five minutes of staring at the water I decided to climb down, like the little chicken that I am, who cares anyways what Jason thinks.

I'm going to college in a few weeks and I'm not going to see his stupid, beautiful face anymore.

All a sudden,

came a rush of water knocking my feet from under me and I feel down and the water drag me down the waterfall with so much force that it knocked the air out of me.

When my body hit the water it fell like hitting concrete and immediately I was in the bottom. I tried swimming to the top but I couldn't. It was like something was holding me down.

My lungs were burning for air and my legs kicking desperately, trying to get to the surface. I'm going to die, I haven't done anything, I haven't lived, I haven't lived.....that's all I was think of.

Everything started to go black....

Then I felted like something or someone was pulling me up but all I could see was a glowing light all around me.

When I open my eyes again I was laying in the river shore and somebody was touching my chest.

His hand was warm and the warmth was spreading from my chest and making its way to the rest of my body. With the warmth came a calming felling and all I could see was his eyes.

He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. They were like the sky in a clear summer day, perfectly blue. All I could do was look at him he has the most perfect face on earth, with a perfect nose and perfect lips, he looked like a God, maybe the younger brother of a god with brown hair and fair skin. And Is he glowing?...

"Are you glowing?" I asked and he removed his hand from my chest and he stopped glowing. He looked confused and then he stared for a few seconds and when I opened my mouth to ask again he started taking "are you OK?"

"yes" I said pulling myself up. He watched as I sat down then I herd someone calling me and I looked behind me to see Felix running on the rocks making his way across the river.

"Who are you....?" I said before realizing he was already gone.

Felix made his way to where I was and after explaining what happened we went home. All the way he kept asking me if I was felling fine because he never seen somebody take that fall and still have the energy to walked as I did. We walked all the way down the mountain to where we had left the dirt bikes and the four tracks.

Every one left the same way we got here, in pairs of brothers and sisters. I came in the one of the four track with Felix, Farah and Finn were in the other one and Franky and Felicity in the dirt bike.

The ride home took forever because they were driving so slow checking up on me every other minute.

We all gather again in Ella's kitchen trying to get something to eat. We made sandwiches and ate them with Campbell's chicken noodle soup it wasn't that good but at least it was hot.

Then everyone went to their house, we all lived next door to each other. When I laid down to sleep all I cloud see was his face,

my hero's face,

my angel's face and I easily fell asleep like I used to.... before Ella died.

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