"You, thinking?" Gray said teasingly with fake surprise tone.

"Oh shut it, Popsicle Princess," I say annoyed by his sarcasm

"What was that, Flame Breath?" Gray said aggravated by my insult

"What are you thinking about so much?" Loke asks confused on why I would be thinking so hard.

"Its this Lucy Heartfilia girl." I say casually shrugging

"Lucy Heartfilia? The new student." Jellal asks to make sure his correct.

"Yeah. I was trying to see how I can make her fall for me. But now I have the perfect idea." I push my hair back with one hand.

"Awe ! Are you in love? " Gray teasing announces.

"Finally." Sting rolls his eyes in exhaustion at this long wait of me finally finding love.

"Nah. I want to have some fun with her is all . Shes my next target." I smirk as I clarify my reason why I keep thinking about her.

"You'll never learn" Sting face palms himself in disappointment.

"And whats this almighty plan you have?" Gajeel ask sarcastically.

"Im going to take her for some ice cream so I can try to get to her heart by getting to know her." I say as I grin at my amazing idea.

They all sign deeply in disappointment at my brilliant plan.

"Forget you guys ! My plan A will be a success !" I proudly say in confidence as I open the double-door entrance to the cafeteria .

We enter the lunch room as we walked towards the short line due to how early we are for lunch. We quickly grab our lunches and sit in our usual table . Erza and her friends usually sit with us so when I see Erza walk in with her friends, I can already measure how much space her and her friends need so she doesn't pound me for squishing her friends.

Speaking of the devil, Erza walked in with her friends who are considered the popular kids as well. Erza's friends were a blue haired girl named Juvia, a white haired girl named Lisanna, another white haired girl named Mirajane , a green haired girl named Bisca, and a brown haired girl named Milianna. I, of course, flirted with all these girls yet I couldnt quite manage to get all 5 of them into my grasp. The only people who fell for me were Lisanna and Milianna because they were the only single ones available .

I couldn't flirt with Juvia enough because Gray had got to her first , I couldn't get Mirajane because Laxus also got to her first and I couldn't get Bisca cause Alzack already got her as well . So, my options decreased until it hit only two certain people who hadn't been in a relationship with anyone.

They fell for me easily as they both became my ex's after time past. Yet, they still don't know when to quit! Me and my friends had began to eat our lunch when suddenly a familiar girl clings on me . My friends attention drew onto the female as they looked at me with awkward faces proving that it had to be only one person in particular. I turned to see Lisanna appear wrapping her arms around my neck .

"Natsu!" Lisanna said softly as she pretends to be upset.

"Oh hey Lisanna" I frown as I continue eating.

"Natsu! I'm sorry about what ever I did to make you upset with me. I miss you !" She whined in my ear as I roll my eyes.

"You didn't upset me." I say as I finish my food.

"I didn't! That's great now we can get back --" She excitingly said until I purposely interrupted her.

"I'm not upset with you. I just don't want to be with you anymore. I found someone new already." I say I look at my empty tray .

"S-Someone new? Who?" Lisanna stutters speechless at my comment.

"Lucy Heartfilia!" I say as I turn around to face her with a grin.

"Lucy Heartfilia? The new girl?" Lisanna stares at me with her shocked wide eyes.

"Yep! Actually , I'm going to go talk to her right now ." I say as I hop off my seat and leave her in udder shock.

Erza is probably going to kill me for upsetting her friend but at least Lisanna understands that we're officially over. If I didn't tell her now, she would have probably begged me to go back out with her. I thought Lisanna was just a regular girl who know when to stop trying but apparently I was mistaken! But who cares , now that I have Luce to target, I don't need Lisanna anymore.

Anyway, I walked to the table Luce had been sitting in and noticed Levy sitting with her. Luce looks pretty comfortable with Levy's presence. Did Levy figure out a way to get threw to her? Maybe if I ask Levy, She can tell me how I can get threw to Luce so that my Plan is successful. I smirk to my self as I finally approach their table.

"Hello ladies!" I announce

"Hey Natsu." Levy said looking at me with a expression of curiosity of why I'm here.

"Bookworm! Haven't talk to you since you moved up to Honors." I said with a grin .

"Yep." She says as she grins back at him

This is the first time Levy's ever talked to me .

"Oh ! I almost forgot. Luce ?" I say turning my attention to Luce.

"Huh?"She saids giving me her full attention.

"I was wondering if you want to come with me today to get some ice cream ? Just you and me." I suggest while starring into her eyes.

" Uh...," she glances over at Levy for confirmation as Levy notices and nods in approval,"Sure."

"Great ! Meet me by the school entrance." I reminded as he wave leaving as I cheer in success .

I was walking back to my table when suddenly I saw a mad Erza glare at me as she rose up from her seat. As soon as I saw that, I ran as fast as I could , leaving the cafeteria . Luckily, Lunch had ended once I ran out and it was time for class. I flew into class as I sign in relief .

Finally, Classes were over so I went to the front entrance of the school building to meet Luce. For some unknown reason , None of my friends were around so I wasn't interrupted while I was walking to meet up with Luce. Also, there was no sign of Erza anymore so that was another good thing!

I went outside and sat on this pipe thing waiting for Luce to arrive. Then I start thinking to my self, What if the plan doesn't work ? What if all my effort ends up to being another Lisanna chasing me around? Many questions filled my mind. Then a soft voice called out to me .


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