No. 1

76 4 1


2 minutes.

120 seconds.

Left of this rechid hell we call school.

"Alright class you can begin to pack up now. Remember the assignment is due when you come back from Winter Break alright?" My 7th period calculus teacher, Mrs. Renalds reminded as she remained seated at her computer with neat stacks of papers - our exams - by her.

Everyone shoved their books and binders into their backpacks carelessly and I sighed, already exhausted from the troublesome day I've had.

Placing my supplies into the black bag I carried around all day, I zipped it up and slung it over my shoulders. Slipping out my phone I saw I had three messages.

Daddy: Got loads of paperwork here in the office. Won't be home 'till late, remind your mother please. Love you Peanut.

Another sigh escaped my lips. Why am I not surprised. When your father happens to be the CEO of a famous company such as Queens Incorporated - a long chain of hotels, casinos, and resorts - let's just say I never see him until the next morning.

Going to the next message I saw it was from my mother.

Momma: I'm stuck here at the company. Some issues arose & I won't be home until around 7. Knowing your father, he won't be too. Leftovers are in the fridge and I'll see you soon Thee. Love you.

My mom was a fashion designer and so she's constantly working on new designs and whatever else it is that she does. I do see her, but not as often as most children do.

I checked the last message to see it was from my brother, Casper.

Cas: Got soccer practice & then goin to Anderson's party. Cover for me will ya? Thx sis. Luv you.

My grip tightened around the phone as I grit my teeth angrily.

It's always the same ol' thing. I'm left alone at home while Cas goes and gets drunk without our parents knowing. He always makes me go get him and create some lie of where he was. Bullshit. Not tonight Cas. Not tonight. Your ass is on you now, not me.

Students' excited chatters of their winter plans filled my ears and I shoved my phone into the pocket of my jeans.

I laid my head against the cool desk and closed my eyes sleepily.

After a long day of many exams I don't want to even bother to think anymore. Because if I do I'm absolutely positive my brain will explode into smithereens.

Just as I began to dose off I jumped awake at the obnoxious ringing of the bell that signaled we could leave. I yawned and stood up, waiting at the end of the crowd to exit the classroom.

Like Mom directed, I'm most likely going to eat leftover pizza for dinner. By myself.......which I'm pretty much used to by now.

Pain ran throughout my shoulder as I was shoved in the lockers by a group of my classmates as they charged towards the two maroon entrance doors to the highschool.

A hiss escaped my lips and I rolled my shoulder, trudging forward through the large herd still trying to get out of this place.

59210 Felridge Ave
Manhattan, New York
Tate Veldon
35 years

A torturous pain spread throughout my skull, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut. My hands rose to my temples and I dropped to the floor by the maroon lockers, placing pressure on my head.

It rang throughout my body, causing my teeth to chatter and veins to burn as my legs pushed themselves off the floor.

Not this again.

I glued myself to floor using the strength of pure will and bit the inside of my cheek, begging the pain to go away.

And it did. Just like that it vanished.

Swallowing the lump that clogged my throat, most of the crowd made it out by then and I finally stepped out of the lights and into the cool winter breeze.

The cold immediately stung my nose and cheeks but I clutched onto the straps to my black backpack and marched down the sidewalk.

Since Cas wasn't here and Dad and Mom were stuck at work, I was left with only one choice.

I'm walking home.

I didn't mind it truthfully. In fact I enjoyed it. You may think I'd be sick of all this isolation but I like it. Let's me relish in my thoughts and do my own things.

A warm breath left mouth; I watched the air form a small cloud against the wind as I did. I shoved my hands into the pocket of my sweatshirt and I hung my head as I moved along the sidewalk.

I'd get the assignment done tomorrow and then I have the rest of the break to do whatever I like......meaning watch Netflix and Hulu while eating food. Preferably pizza because you can never go wrong there right?

The sound of a car passing by filled my ears and I turned my head to watch the white car zip by.

Other than that the air was very quiet and as of right now I was in the more unpopulated area. The forest was covered in snow along with the fields, providing a quiet and serene feeling.

My hearing perked as I picked up on the sound of a car driving by but this one was slower and softer. I shifted my gaze behind me expecting to see something, anything, but my eyes caught nothing.

Because that's not creepy at all. Calm down Thea, don't panic. It was probably just someone slowing down and turning a corner you don't know.

Picking up my pace, I shifted my backpack on my back. Staring straight ahead my legs exerted more force against the ground carrying me at a more rapid pace.

I still heard the soft roll of a car and saw a black Mercedes going at the same speed as me, directly to my right.

Okay, I believe it's appropriate to panic now.

By now I was running - no more like sprinting. My breath was coming out in quick huffs as I pushed my body faster.

But my legs skidded to a halt as I saw a black Escalade driving towards me from down the street.

I was trapped. Two cars caving me in.

You know what, fuck it.

With that I ran across the street, aiming towards the forest. The cars screeched to a stop and a tall, muscular man with soft-looking blond hair jumped out of the Escalade. Looking behind me I tripped over my own feet as my whole body did a somersault somehow onto the grass. "Damn it!" I cursed as I felt a small prick in my backside.

My vision became blurry and dark as I recalled seeing the man come and bend down in front of me. He pushed back a red strand, staring at me before looking up and nodding to someone.

I completely shut down as my eyes fluttered shut and body became limp. Although, the nerves within me picked up on someone lifting me up bridal style when I finally, finally, blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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