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Jacks POV
I was in LA visiting Mark,Felix, and Ken. They all lived together since they wanted to be closer to each other and it would be easier of they ever needed help with there channel they had each other. They made sure I had a own room, like they bought me personal items, in case if something ever happened I could go there. After we were done recording I went to my room and got a text from Wiishu saying*image of her kissing another man* " I have been cheating on you with him cuz we'll look at him plus he has more money and time unlike you." I cried myself to sleep that night and every night after that. Luckly the guys didnt here me not that I don't trust them I do, Im just used to going through these kinds of things by myself. Even when I was with my girlfriend she saw me cry one time then ran away and from that day forward I promised that I would go through these kind of things by myself.

Mark POV

When i heard Jack crying i went to his room, but he wont tell me whats wrong. I wish he would open up more and that's when i seen the scars on his wrist. When i asked him he ran and left the house.

Felix's POV

I heard a door slam and went out to see a crying Mark. When he told me what happened i told Ken who told us to start looking for him.

Kens POV

We found him at the park crying silently to himself. I wrapped my warm arms around his cold body. He thought we were going to give up on him just like his ex.

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