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Felixs POV

 I was sitting at my old house with my now ex Marzie. When i went on Twitter i saw Jack has committed  suicide . I tried Skypeing and calling and texting him ,hoping  this was just a rumor. I went to go visit him but my wish didn't come true and he was actually dead. I flew in to see how Mark was doing. He had  heart attack  because of achol and now here he is drinking it. I slapped it out of his hand as Jacks funeral was just in a few days. when we attended...
My alarm goes off. I tip toe to Jack's room to make sure he was alive and I was just having a nightmare. We make eye contact. I didn't realize how much I cried until he asked of course I said it was a nightmare and then we head for breakfast. I sat right next to Jack I know it was a nightmare but I can't help but to try to protect him. After breakfast he asked if we could talk in private and that's when I explained the nightmare and literally cried in his arms. 

Jacks POV

After Felix told me what happened i told him i would never do it and it was because of him , Mark, and Ken and all our other friends. I honestly do think about suicide and cutting a lot but i am really happy with my boys and the're the perfect reason to live.

Marks POV

i heard crying and saw Felix in Jacks arms and i heard him say i was part of the reason he lived it made me feel soo much more important. My cousins and their friends always tell me my flaws and so does some of my other "friends" and the more i think about it the more o cried which i didn't realize i was doing until Jack pulled me into a hug. Jack, Felix, and I talked these things over. I told them how I was being treated, Felix explained his nightmare more , and Jack told us he does think of that stuff but he loves us too much to do that to us. 

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