Ever since then I had trust issues and I would never let anyone come near me. They had to get the strongest man there to even faze me or just to bathe me, but I was too strong for them most of the time. The day the trader was about to kill me, he came into my life, he was my savior, and my mate was also my master for nine years now. For some reason, he wanted me and bought me for a full-price slave actually a little more than a normal-priced slave. I remember those gorgeous electric glowing blue eyes as they connected to mine. My wolf was screaming Mate! Mate! Mate! Of course, he didn't know that I was his mate, yet I was way too ashamed to say anything at that time. Aida shook me a bit as he stared at me questioningly. I then replied. 

"I can't do that to him, Aida, as much as I love him he needs someone who will give him the good reputation that he deserves. I want him happy, but my wolf doesn't agree with me and it's harder to keep her under control now... Ever since that sudden announcement, god that awful announcement of them... Mating."

Every time they had sex I could feel my wolf clawing inside me.... then the intense pain that would conquer my body. Aida grumbles to himself as he runs his fingers through his thick brown hair. Aida sighed heavily while looking at me deep in my eyes with that brotherly love. Aida replied with frustration 

"Why not just tell him you never know his reactions..."

I started laughing a fake laugh while I pulled myself out of Aida's grip, he hadn't seen his reaction, the facial reaction that he had made when Rayne had called me out in front of him. It was full of disgust and bitterness, a look of rejection, and... If he knew he would surely call me crazy. That look... He would have rejected me in an instant and then... Hopefully, at that point kill me.

I then said "I do know Aida... He couldn't accept it, I saw his reaction to that thought."

Aida raises an eyebrow obviously confused, wondering how I had seen his reaction to news like that. All of a sudden I heard his voice making me jump out of my skin. His deep chocolate voice said, making my body go rigid and a chill sweeping through my body.

"Who can't accept what?"

My eyes widen as I slowly look towards the door, seeing my master walking into the living room. I bowed quickly, I glanced at Aida bow and look at me urging me to tell him the truth, to tell him of my darkest secret. Zya was staring me down with those all-knowing eyes. I swallowed the lump that was stuck in my throat.

I softly lie by saying, "It's not important, my master... It was about Rayne."

I had to cover it up I couldn't let him find out who and what I really was talking about. Aida glares at me while shaking his head in disappointment. Zya gave me a questionable look while Aida quickly excused himself from the room, leaving me in a bad situation. My mind was fighting with itself, should I just tell him? It was getting more difficult to keep all these emotions in.

I then say changing the conversation. "Did you need anything Master?"

Zya studied me closely as if examining me and my behavior. This was new for him, he never really studied my reactions or me, to be honest. He began to walk over to the couch and sat down on the black velvet sofa roughly. A sigh escaped his lips heavily while he closed his eyes just for a moment. He looked absolutely exhausted and worn down. Dark bags hung under his eyes. He laid his head back on the back of the couch, obviously, in dire need of relaxation, it made me want to comfort him. I look at his face seeing his eyes closed as my eyes started to wander and rake over his body. Zya then spoke softly 

"I need my shoulders rubbed... Would you be willing to Plague?"

My eyes widen in complete fear as I looked at him. He never asked me to touch him not even did I accidentally touch him. His eyes were still closed while I looked at his scarred eye. It was from one of the wars that he had earned his title as Alpha of our pack. I had gotten the guts to ask him one night and he told me stories upon stories. He had actually opened up to me that night. I quickly begin to say getting out of it, thank god I had blood all over me. I had replied 

My Master Also My MateWhere stories live. Discover now