Femi POV

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I'm sitting in Sade's bed with my dick on absolute hard. This is the last straw. I'm done playing this tease game. My dick can't take another L. Sade wins.

While she was gone, opening the door for Anthony and Areon. Instead of going downstairs I sat up in the bed and started thinking, about Sade but mostly about my mom and my little sister Ashley. She's 14. Short asl like 4'11. She has curls similar to Sade, and a little lighter than me, with big brown eyes.

I was thinking about my mom she's the twin to Ashley a little taller of course and she's my rock. But she is on stage 4 of breast cancer, and she's all I got left, I really don't know if there is any hope yet.

My dad has never been in my life. I know nothing about him, if he's dead or alive. And honestly I don't care. It's be me my mom, and my little sister since as long as I can remember. And unfortunately very soon it'll just be me and Ashley.

My mom has already put down the money for the house and the bills so that when she dies I ain't have to worry about that. Only about the groceries and I'll be using the money out of my bank account for that, and paying for college is already taken care of that. That's one thing I'm grateful for.

Only thing is I'll have to take care and provide for my little sister Ash. She's a good kid, she currently a freshman at the Art academy. I love her and she's my heart and will be potentially all I have left after my mom dies.

I haven't told Sade about my mom's condition yet. But I want Sade to meet my mom before she dies. And also Ash I know she would love Sade, because she paints too. Well an artist.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice the twins come in along with Sade, Kennedy, and Joseph.

"You didn't here us calling you?" Kennedy said
At this point I got up, I answered "nah, my bad"
"Well, come downstairs we bout to play a game" Jojo replied.

"Iight" I follow all of them downstairs. I shake up with the twins and we all sit down on the floor in a circle. The girls are sitting directing across from us. Sade across from me. Kennedy across from Jojo and the Anthony across from this girl he talked to name Erica. And Aeron across from a girl he talked to name Brandy.

"We finna play truth or dare, who wants to start?!" Jojo said to everyone
Instead of answering everyone just looked at one another.

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