12. Stark

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As we got out I noticed my father's Impala, but decided against saying anything.  "We should split up." I suggest. "Agreed." Cody says shooting me a knowing look. Shucks he's on to me! I think. Soon everyone agrees. I look at Jonah. "Since you know this place like the back of your hand, take Claudia and go down the left passageways. Crowley you and your minions go right. Cody and I will take the hidden ones and get the tablet." I order. " We will meet back up here.". Everyone nods and heads off. "You didn't......" I cut him off by smacking the back of his head. "Not yet, Codes, soon though." I promise. He pulls the torch on the wall revealing a long dim lit  hallway. "After you." He gestures. I roll my eyes before entering. After he's safely in the door sills us in. And almost like clockwork Claudia's strawberry blonde head popped out of the door to the left. "You filled them in." I observe. "Well hurry up you two.". They enter but as the do it's hard to miss the fact that she reaches for his hand. Jonah sends her a reassuring smile. I hold Cody back letting the other two go ahead. "I think little Claudia has fallen for a vampire." I giggle. Cody glares at me. "Not my sweet, innocent little Claudia." He says sarcastically putting a hand over his heart. "Now, my Belle, if we're going to get to Sydney before Crowley we should get going." Cody grabs my arm and takes off after the children. We come to a sudden stop in front of door painted red. "This is her's." Jonah says opening the door. A blonde headed girl sits next to a desk. "Sydney." He tests walking in and motioning us in. The girl's head whips up, "Jon? Jonah is that you!"She says and in milliseconds is in front of us. She hugs him, but the moment was broken when she saw me. "Winchester." She growls. I smile, "Nice to see you to, Sydney.". The door on the other side opens revealing a minion. "Okay this has vervain on it  so you  need to listen to me, Sydney." I explain touching the tip of the arrow. "On three you need to duck and stay down." Jonah says. "Ready, Sydney." I ask eyeing the man on the other side. She nods. Cody holds up his fingers, and when he gets to three I shoot the arrow and she ducks. The arrow sinks into the minion. "Stay down in case anyone comes looking for him." Claudia shuts door. "And you didn't tell me you had something that could hurt me coating your arrows, why?" Jonah asks. "Because." I shrug. We continue til we get to a bright pink sparkly door with the word ELENA in big neon purple foam letters. I open the door and step inside with everyone on my heel. The brunette little girl sits in the floor playing with dolls. Elena most be around seven on, and Sydney nineteen. "Hey, Elena, do you remember me?" I ask, She looks up and nods. "You're St- Aiden's girlfriend." Elena says. I nod, "Lena, I need you to listen to her, okay." Jonah says. Elena nods. A couple of minions barge through the door. "I'm going to shoot this arrow which is dripped in vervain so if you don't listen this could end back, okay, my friend here is going to count to three and you need to duck and stay down okay." I explain quickly, as Cody begins to count. I let go of the arrow right as he gets to three. Elena being a good little girl does as she's told. Jonah smiles at her as he closes the door. "Take a right I need to find Cas and my dad." I say. "You never lost your memory. You never gave in to Crowley." Jonah says. "Never did Joshua with the help of Davina cased a spell to keep me safe." I say with a smile. Jonah looks happy. Upon turning right, I came face to face with my dad. "Izzy?" He asks. I nod and run into his open arms. "I'm right here, Daddy.". Looking over his shoulder I see Uncle Sam, Cas, Aiden, Davina, and Captain Jack Harkness? We pull away. "Where's Mom?" I ask. "In the car." Dad says. "Actually try behind you." I turn on my heel to face my mother. "Allison!" Dad sighs. "You really expected me to stay when my child was in danger, did you, Dean?" She says pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Hi, Moma.". I pull away from her. "Now as much as I love you guys we need to find the tablet." I say. "Sydney should already be guarding it." Jonah adds from behind my mom. "Good point." Claudia agrees. "Starks, lead the way." Dean commands. "Daddy!" I whine. "Who put you in charge.". He laughs, "Just go, Isabelle.". Up ahead Sydney is being attacked by some minion. "Hey!" I shout. They turn at the sound of my voice. I draw my bow and shoot. "Rot you, Vamps." I sneer. They fall and Sydney smiles at me. "Vervain." I smile. "Did you really think I was going to use that on you, Syd?" I laugh. She smiles and gives me a high five, "Nice one, Izzy.". "And now we wait, I guess." Sam sighs.


Hey guys so I wrote this chapter/filler Friday but forgot to post it, oops. - Izzy

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