Chapter Eleven

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Seths Pov

After minutes, it doesn't seem to take long for my dad to get enough information to start getting everything he needs for an arrest and everything else. Jade is curled up just staring into space with her head on my chest, she's holding one of my hands with our fingers interlocked in her lap.
"Hey Jade?" My dad asks. She just sorta looks at him not speaking.
"We are going to need you to go into a room and talk to someone about it okay? It'll be a girl if you want, and Seth and I will be right outside watching and listening to every word okay?" My dad asks. She nods slowly and looks at me. I give her hand a reassuring squeeze. She slowly stands up hugging herself. I stand up and me and my dad lead her to the room that she will be talked to in. I kiss her forehead before the lady comes and takes her in.

Jades POV

"Hi Jade, I am just going to ask you a few questions nothing to be nervous about, okay? Let's get started. Can you tell me the names of all the people?" She asks.
"Well.. There's Daddy, there was Jimmy.. But I don't wanna talk about what happened to him.. There's Jeremy, and David.. There's Jack, and James.. And Daniel, and Bruno.." I say listing off the seven living ones.
"Who is 'Daddy' and did he kill Jimmy?"
"I don't really know about jimmy to be honest.. But probably not.. He probably is doing something much worse. And Daddy is my daddy duh!"

"Can you help us find your daddy and all those other men. Also he isn't your real father. I think you should get a DNA test done."
"HE IS MY REAL DAD!" I scream going from one to one hundred real quickly. I don't care what he has done wrong, I barely even believe he's done anything wrong, but I will not believe he's not my real dad. He is all I have, all I have ever had and I will not accept that he isn't my dad.
"Okay okay sorry can you just calm down?"
"I'm done with this." I say standing up quickly and walking out of the room. I go straight out of the police station and sit on the curb. Seth comes after me and sits down next to me on the curb.
"Are you okay?" He asks worried. I look down and shake my head no slowly, I don't want to admit it, but I am far from okay. He wraps his arms around and tries to comfort me. I try my very best to hold back my tears, but I just can't, the moment I feel safe in his arms I just completely melt down. I begin sobbing and I can't stop. He hugs me tight and kisses my forehead.
"You are okay" he whispers.
"No.. No I'm not. She called him not my dad! She said I had to get a DNA test.. I refuse to do that.. He's my daddy. I don't care what he's done wrong that won't be changed.."
"Okay Jade, it's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to"
"What will happen to him..? And the rest of the boys..?"
"I am not sure Jade......sorry...."

Seths POV~
She sighs and stands up," I think I'm going to go home.." She says before walking off before I can object. I frown a little and go find my dad. My dad gets frustrated with me that I both, let her go home, but also just let her walk. He goes to his car and looks for her. I'm sitting in the back at this point looking around for her.
"She's right there" I say pointing at a frail figure ahead. My dad pulls over by her and I get out of the car.
"Jade is that you?" I ask stepping toward her. The figure turns around then looks down as if they are embarrassed. I start to quicken my pace so I can get closer.
"Baby?" I ask. She starts to quicken and it looks like something is in her hand.
"D-don't.." She mumbles looking down. I carefully come closer to her.
"What's in your hand?" I ask though sadly I think I know.
"No don't!" She says throwing what was in her hand. It's not what I thought it was.. It looks like a bottle in a paper bag.
"What was in that bottle Jade?"
"I..." She sighs," I don't know.. Th-this guy just gave me it.. I didn't want it.. But he told me to take it and he was a man so I had to listen.."
"Oh God Jade. We should take you to the doctor"
She shakes her head quickly.
"No.. No.. I've never been to a doctor.."
"Shhh it's okay"
"Just let me go home.."
"No Jade....I am not letting you go home sorry"
She looks down then up at me,"But I have no where else to go.. They are all I've ever known.. All I ever thought was right and all I've ever had. They are my family, whether your right and what they are doing to me isn't very good, or I'm right and what they taught me is truly what life is supposed to be like.. Daddy, at this point I don't care about the boys, but daddy is my family. He's all I've ever know and wanted and I am not going to give him up because of what you are saying.. I have no one else. I don't know what happened to my mom.. I never ask, they said it would be rude, so he's all I have, and all I have ever had... And I'm sorry I'm being rude.. I really am truly sorry sir.. But I don't believe you understand, he's my only family.."
"Jade.. I can be your new family" I say looking her deep in the eyes.

'Daddy'Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu