Chapter 1: A Rivalry is Born

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I stepped outside ready for my nightly routine. Whoever my victim was tonight had no idea what was coming to them. I giggled to myself, I felt that tonight was going to be really fun. I was walking on the streets with my hood up. I couldn't risk anyone seeing my mask too early because I think everyone knew the mask I wore. Tonight was quiet no one, absolutely no one, was on the streets. Normally this wouldn't bother me but I hadn't seen any cars pass me either. What was going on? I kept walking forward determined to satisfy my blood lust. The full moon was casting light over the streets and I walked in the shadows created. Suddenly I heard a noise on the roof, but I didn't stop walking for I didn't want to raise suspicion. I started dancing around the street so that when I twirled around I could see who it was. it didn't matter what people thought of me I was truly crazy. I saw the figure... no shit, figures there were more than five I knew that for sure. I had to get back home, now. I twirled into a shadow, disappearing from sight, and then I watched them as they were waiting for me. That was when they started backing off, they knew I was watching. I laughed which echoed throughout the street. I ran, trying to find a way to get back to my place without being caught. Finally they came out of their hiding running after me. I dipped through alleys and went around tight corners until I lost them. They should have grabbed me before I noticed them, fools.


Fuck, we lost the bastard! After tracking this guy for weeks we had emptied the street from all life. Damn... damn! We would never probably get another chance to get this close to him again. We communicated through our earpieces after we lost him and each other. 

"Hey, regroup meet me near the bar we go to." I told everyone.  

"Damn, we almost had him." Wildcat moaned frustratingly. 

"How did he know we were there?" Lui asked for all of us.

"He must have seen us while he was dancing like a maniac." Wildcat said.

"No way, he tensed up for a few seconds before he started dancing, so he either  heard us or had a feeling." Moo clarified.

"What are we going to do Eva- Vanoss?" Moo tripped on his words. I angrily yelled through my earpiece, "Fuck man, you can't forget our code names!"

"Sorry, I... just forgot." Moo said quietly. I sighed but calmly said, "Just don't do it again. We are going to have to patrol the city each night until we can catch him."

They all groaned. We hardly got sleep anymore. We were going to have to train more. He was too damn fast for any of us, even with us going separate ways to cut him off. We all met up and stepped inside the bar. There was a hallway before we actually entered the main area, so we took that opportunity to take our masks off. We drank all night until I forced those hooligans back to our house. Hopefully we will catch him soon. I felt terrible knowing I could have stopped him now before he killed again. I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping to get more sleep than last night.


Damn, I could feel 'him' wanting to take over and kill. 'He' would have to wait for a little bit. I hoped 'he' would patient... we were not going to get caught again. I barely escaped from that asylum they locked me in. Maybe I could run an errand and blow some steam.

"I would appreciate that. My patience is being tried."

I repositioned my mask to hide my face and pulled up my hood. I needed some stuff for myself from the store maybe I might kill along the way. I walked in and grabbed random things that I needed and set them on the front counter. I wait until all the stuff is in the bag so I can grab and go then I let Delirious take over. Immediately 'he' jumped over the counter and stabbed the cashier, ripping open his stomach to have his guts spill out. I smile and laugh as I go for the other shoppers. I could feel the satisfaction of hearing their screams, it had been a while. After I finished with the last man I run and grab my bag and money from the cash register making sure to get out of there before the police showed up. Not like it mattered, I would just kill them too. Delirious handed the control back over to me, for now. He would come back for more later. I got home and started planning of how to stop that group after me.

So they're trying to catch us? 

Yes, we need to be wary but we can still go out and satisfy your needs.

I'll be careful, you are the one that needs to worry

How are you ever careful? You only kill.

I take great care in my killing.

Shut up! If I need you I'll let you have the power.

Good, all the more fun for me.

I hope tonight doesn't go too horribly.

Only for whoever tries to stop us.

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