My Form That Saves Us

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I woke up and looked seeing Fire was still in his form sleeping soundly next to me. I took my hand and lightly brushed his bangs out of his eyes and smiled. I then leaned in and lightly peek a small kiss on his lips. I then gasped as he grabbed my arms holding me in my place. I looked seeing Fire's eyes slowly opening. He smirked and leaned in close to my right ear. "Morning to you too" he whispered, as I smiled when he kissed my ear. "I have a favour to ask" said Fire, as I stopped and looked at him smirking at me. "Favour?" I questioned, as I blushed when he started kissing my forehead and then my cheek. "Since you have seen my form... I want to see yours" he said, as I stopped and my body went stiff. "My form" I said, as he paused. "What's wrong?" he asked, as I lowered my head. "It's poisonous" I said, as he paused and smirked sitting up. "Trust me" he whispered, as I moaned when he nibbled the nape of my neck. "F-Fire" I groaned trying to get out of his hold, but it was no use. This element knew everything about me. "Fine" I mumbled, as he smirked and I slowly showed my black and red snake skin. I lowered my head expecting him to be disgusted with me, but I jumped when his hands started rubbing my sides. I looked at him smirking and he placed his right hand to the back of my head making me look into his yellow eyes. "Perfect" he whispered, as I blushed and just watched him kiss and lick any part of my body that showed my snake exposing skin. Why? Why wasn't he disgusted with me? "Fire" I asked, as I paused when his yellow eyes had a glowing of red around the iris. "With you by my side Ice, there is nothing I can't have" he said, as I paused and smiled as he kissed my lips and I kissed him back. Then suddenly the place started shaking. I held onto Fire and he growled. "Ice come with me" said Fire, as I saw him looking in the distance. He grabbed my hand and led me to his meeting room. My eyes widened seeing not only Water, but Blizzard and Hail. Blizzard and Hail were more Water's brother's than mine and so did everything he wanted. Fire and I now in our regular forms glared at Water. "This better be good" said Fire, as Water chuckled and he showed his form. Our eyes widened to see that this in fact was his fourth form as well. Fire growled and his aura started growing. "DEATH, DARK" he shouted, as they appeared on his right and left. "Take care of Blizzard and Hail, Water is mine" said Fire, as I paused when he let go of my hand. I took a few steps back and watched them fight. Was there really nothing I could do? I watched seeing Fire also show his fouth form and fighting was occuring everywhere. I covered my ears and shut my eyes in hoping everything would just disappear and then my eyes widened as I felt Fire's aura fading. I looked seeing Fire trapped in a water bubble being drowned by Water, Dark being surrounded in a blizzard cyclone and Death being pounded by Hail. I growled and my eyes glowed. I couldn't lose him... I just couldn't. Soon my human skin was being dissolved by my snake skin and my true form showed. I held out my hand and my snakes biut each one of them causing them to bend down in pain. I then held out my fingers making iciscle swords pop out and I dashed towards Water fighting him. He tried blocking, but I ended up changing his water into Ice. "ICE" shouted Fire, as I stopped and then I paused when Fire grabbed my arma nd pulled me back, as I did a huge Light bomb appeared, but not before Fire shielded me from the affect. Fire then blast Water and Light causing them to fall to the ground. I held onto Fire tightly and he smield down at me. "Thank you, my Ice" he whispered, as I blsuhed and closed my eyes holding him tightly. After everything that has happened we saved each other. I have never been so happy to have a contract.

That night Fire had made sweet passionate love to me in our forms. Not being bothered by my skin and me... well I loved anything he did. When finished Fire brushed his fingers through my hair and chuckled. "I find it ironic" he said, as I paused and looked up at him. "The one thing that your mother didn't pass down to you... was your hair and yet she was famous for it" he said, as I paused and hugged him. "Do you want me to have snake hair?" I asked, as he smirked. "Don;t get me wrong I love your hair, but it would be kinky if you did have snake hair" he said, as I blushed bright red and hit his chest. "Pervert" I said, as I paused when he grabbed my wrists and looked down at me. "You are the only one ever who is allow to treat me like this" he whispered, as I smiled and let him kiss me. "So what now?" I asked, as he chuckled and sucked on ym enck causing me to close my eyes and accept hsi touch. "We get to the second part of your contract of course" he whispered, as I smiled and nodded. 

The End

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