Chapter 1

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Ivory POV

"I'M HELPING CHARLES, IVORY. PLEASE GET IT." Hank yells back. I sigh and get of the couch and go to door.

"Hello, can I help you?" I says trying to not sound depressed.

"YOUU." The man growls at me putting me in a choke hold. I scream.

"HANKKKK, HANKKKKK, HELPP." I scream with every breath I have.

"He's not going to help you Raven." The man growls.

"HANKKKKK. HE'S CHOKING ME." I scream again. My eye catches Hank right as he starts unleashing the Beast. Hank then tackles this messed up man. "I'M....NOT....RAVEN." I choke out.

I start to get angry. 'No no, not now.' I think to myself. I try my hardest to push away my emotions.

"HANK, IVORY, WHAT IS GOING ON!?!" Charles practically chastises us.

"Charles, he knocked on the door I went to get it then he attacked me. He thought I was Raven." I say practically crying.

"Hank calm down." Charles says messing with his hair.

"Professor, why is Raven with you?" The man says.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Charles asks. 

"Yes, you sent me from the future to stop her from killing Trask." The man says pointing at me.

"ME OR RAVEN!" I scream at him. He looks at me confused. "Finally you actually listen. Raven is my twin sister." I then walk to the kitchen and grab a chocolate bar.

I then hide back in lounge, avoiding mutant-contact for the rest of the day.

Charles POV

"What?" The man asks about us staring at him.

"You said, I sent you from the future. And how do you know Raven but not Ivory?" I ask him.

"Yes, you sent me from the future to stop Raven from killing Trask. Trask is creating a robot, called a Centinal, that is designed to kill all mutants. The government uses Raven's DNA to allow the Centinal to take our mutation and use it against us." He says, "About her, I don't know, she could have died before I met you. She doesn't even look like a mutant."

"Ivory is unique, just like Raven. When Ivory feels a certain emotion, she shifts in a way. Like with her anger, she turns red and gets really strong." Hank explains.

"She seems so depressed, why isn't she like blue or something?" The man asks.

"The same serum that Hank uses to look normal, she takes to maintain her normal composure. Since she only feels one emotion she stays relatively normal." I try to explain.

"Why is she so depressed?" The man asks.

"Raven killed their parents in front of her. Then when Erik and I split, Raven went with Erik, and Ivory came with me. Ivory as also fell in love with a mutant that came along with us. With him, she forgot about Raven. But he was drafted into the war, but they wouldn't take her. So he left, and she now has nightmares, she has lost practically everyone important to her." I say. "We still haven't learned anything about you."

"My names Logan. I'm a mutant." Logan then reveals bone claws that come out from his knuckles. "That's all you really need to know about me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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