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Rory and Mitch are home in a rush. They dump their books, bags, lunch boxes, everything in a heap just within the doorway despite their mother's oft repeated threats. Mitch runs through the kitchen, down the short hallway to the bedroom he shares with his older sister and quickly reemerges with his silver, finned rocket ship. Rory takes her drawing pad from her bag, and then they are off again, slamming the door behind them.

The children run down the dirt lane away from their simple home and back out onto the thoroughfare. The neighborhood is a mix of suburban homes and undeveloped lots with tall trees, tire swings, and 50's automobiles parked here and there. Just across the lane, the edge of an orange tree forest extends in both directions like a leafy fence.

It's not long before they catch up to their mother who's walking in the same direction.

"Hiya Mom!" they both exude.

"Hey kids. How was school?"

"Great mom!" is Mitchell's ready answer.

"Ah, it was alright." Rory's is a tad less eager.

"You have homework?" Katherine asks, more to Rory than to Mitch. But Mitch answers first anyway.

"Nope" Mitchell replies, "Did it all at school!"

Rory's voice has a pleading tone. "Just a little... I can do it tonight though."

"Okay, but really, you have to get it done after dinner."

Like a shot they're both off. "Okay mom! See ya!"

They part ways, Katherine walking further down the lane toward another property, the kids promptly disappearing into the grove.

Down the lane and around the corner, a dark sedan pulls into the same grove, glides easily down a dirt service path, stops, and its engine shuts off. Two men in dark suits and Stetson hats step from each side of the car. The first stands proudly with hands on hips looking off into the grove, the other holds several folded maps in one hand and pushes his glasses further up his nose with the other. Both are smiling wide.

"Here we are!" says the one.

"Yes indeed!" says the other.

And they also begin walking into the trees.

The man in the glasses holds up a partially unfolded map with one hand and points with the other. "So here we are just about at the southeast end... the gates would be back that way" he says pivoting around to his left.

The other man nods and keeps walking.

Back at the car, one of the rear doors opens and another man emerges. He too wears a Stetson, but his suit is gray, and he has a mustache. His smile is much more subtle, and he moves slowly to follow the others, his eyes drinking in his surroundings.

Nestled down in the crotch of her favorite walnut tree, Rory is busy sketching a wooden boy's conscience, not at all bothered by her cricket of a brother who is bouncing back and forth through the trees with his rocket held high overhead, shamelessly booming rocket sounds and barking out occasional directives from mission-control. Her quiet song seems in perfect rhythm with Mitch's play.

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
Like dreamers do

The three men stop in the midst of the grove. The man with the maps and glasses is still enthusiastically talking-

"This here would be more or less the back side of east Main Street. Our movie characters and Brunnhilde's palace would be just over this way."

"Sleeping Beauty's Palace, you mean" replies the first with a hint of irritation.

Dreams and the Hard FactsWhere stories live. Discover now