Part 3

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“Oh my god. Aleron are you ok? Don’t scare me like that! I’m sooooo sorry, are you sure you’re ok?” I said

“Vesta, calm down. I’m ok, see no blood.” he answered

“Oh thank goodness, I would have died if I killed you. Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Vesta! I’m fine. What were you thinking coming out here all alone with Cwn Anwwn looking for you?”

“I…..I…….I just needed some time to think I’m sorry.”

“Your parents are very worried, so was I. You scared everyone in the palace, we all were looking everywhere for you.”

          He got off his horse and walked to sit over by the pond where all my stuff was, we talked for a little bit but later he decided that my parents are probably crying their eyes out. So we got up and walked to our horses, but all of a sudden our horses started to get nervous and then we heard something.

“Aleron, please tell that was an animal.” I said

“That’s too big to be an animal.” he said

“That’s not the answer I was hoping for.”

          I grabbed my bow and aimed and Aleron unsheathed his sword, suddenly about 10 men came out with swords. I started to shoot at them and Aleron started to fight them off but he wasn’t doing too well. I was focusing on aiming when I heard a cry of pain; I looked over to see that one of the men cut Aleron’s leg. I tried to go to him but three men stepped in front of me, blocking him from me. But Aleron kept fighting like the brave knight he was, finally we were down to about 4 men. I gasped when I realized that one of them was Cwn Anwwn, I killed one and Aleron finished another one. Aleron was having a hard time I could tell, his breathing was getting short and raged. He started to fight the last men while I ran to Cwn Anwwn, I was shooting arrows at him but I started to run low so I threw it aside. I grabbed my sword an started to fight him hand in hand, we were dancing around the forest when he knocked the sword out of my hand. I started to back away in fear, but I came to the edge of the pool. I was so scared, but then I remembered my knife in the holster on my leg. I grabbed it and blocked him when he was an inch away from my neck, I held him there using every ounce of my strength. But then I used the last of my strength and tossed his sword away and stabbed his arm while doing so, he just looked down at it for a couple of seconds then he looked back up with rage in his eyes.

“You dare injure a god!” he yelled while he tried to bring the bottom of his sword down on my head. I ducked and closed my eyes, I started to concentrate as hard as I could to throw a fire ball at him but I was too inexperienced. As I blocked his sword I felt a sharp pain in my side, fear filled my body as I looked down and I saw a short knife in my side. I dropped my knife and fell to the ground staring at the clouds in the sky praying to the gods that I lived.  All I remember is seeing Custodis run through the trees and….. It looked like he had wings and a sword. I could see Custodis and Cwn Anwwn fighting, after a couple of minutes Cwn Anwwn ran away an Custodis ran to me. I could feel Aleron beside me and Custodis hovering over me and screaming at me but I couldn’t hear, one of Custodis’s tears fell on my cheek. I tried to fight it and stay awake to look at Custodis’s beautiful face, but I was swallowed by the darkness. I woke up in a beautiful field with roses all around, I walked to a tree where was shocked to see Custodis and Aleron kneeling over me crying and screaming for me to wake up. Then a beautiful ghost like figure appeared,

“They love you very much, you know.” she said

“What is this place,” I said “Am…. Am I dead?”

“No, you need to protect the island and you people. Use your powers and save the island you love and that you call home.”

“I‘m only 15, I can‘t save an island from a god. I want to but I just can‘t, I don‘t know what to do!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2013 ⏰

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